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Gosh! You have a outstanding skill.
Thank you.
Since your stitch doesn't have distortion nor color gap, it was easily ironed out.
although it took 1 hour to just only try & error filtering (ノ∀`)
Only 1 hour? If I try the same thing, maybe it takes a few days or over.
Took 1 year to examine useful filters on Photoshop and Gimp almost everyday, now I can image what filter causes what effects with what parameters before running filters actually (more than 2 paths filtering requires this imagination) :3
midzki said:
Took 1 year to examine useful filters on Photoshop and Gimp almost everyday, now I can image what filter causes what effects with what parameters before running filters actually (more than 2 paths filtering requires this imagination) :3
better just write a function with matlab.
My Photoshop skills are primitive at best, but I've often gotten very good results using the Noise Ninja plug-in and taking a minute to do custom sampling for the image in question. Results depend upon the noise patterns and coarseness, but sometimes the results are really good with few bad side effects. Perhaps not as effective overall as a combination of custom filters, but quite a bit faster to do.
For your infomation,
slight gauss => reduce chroma noise if it needed => low -a Greyc (for high-freq noise) => high -a Greyc (for low-freq noise)
is my basis, plus adding some luminance masks and darken/lighten layers for advanced.
I abandoned NN after i realized how much of color shift it applies at the image >_>;