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bikini broken_blade cleavage cleo_saburafu narvi_straiz sigyn_erster swimsuits takiyama_masaaki

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Before you fap... the pink bikini is still an underage loli ..
KiNAlosthispassword said:
Before you fap... the pink bikini is still an underage loli ..
When has that ever stopped any of us?
12 years old... well developed loli...
aganainotoki said:
12 years old... well developed loli...
In anime years.
aoie_emesai said:
In anime years.
Ageless unless said otherwise.
Oh well.. I still fapped to 14 y-o Yoko .. so I guess 12 y-o Cleo is D:
KiNAlosthispassword said:
Before you fap... the pink bikini is still an underage loli ..
an underaged loli? Doesn't look like it, and I would never fap to boobians like this anyway. Flatchests ftw!
Please stop talking about fapping, you have avatars and you're making me feel ill.
Shizashi said:
Please stop talking about fapping, you have avatars and you're making me feel ill.

Radioactive said:
Time to move on...
(Dio Deleted.)
About time Radioactive
Who the fuck cares? She not real! She doesn't even look loli anyways.
Move. On.

I'm not saying it again.