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fumio game_cg grisaia grisaia_no_kajitsu gun irisu_makina

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Okay, here we have it again... a great weapon image, in which you see, that the painter didn't had a clue about guns.

She holds the gun from below, so that she can pull the bolt-lever. This wouldn't be needed if she holds the weapon as she should: You must lie "into" the weapon and need to use your body to press the weapon into the shoulder, that way you can easily fasten the lever with one hand. You can also see that she isn't using her shoulder and the weapon isn't under pressure. The bipod and the whole weapon is loose and not ready to shoot at all, a shoot in that state and she will have a nice hematoma in her shoulder...

Okay, I was to long in the army...
Arbaal said:
Okay, here we have it again... a great weapon image, in which you see, that the painter didn't had a clue about guns.

She holds the gun from below, so that she can pull the bolt-lever. This wouldn't be needed if she holds the weapon as she should: You must lie "into" the weapon and need to use your body to press the weapon into the shoulder, that way you can easily fasten the lever with one hand. You can also see that she isn't using her shoulder and the weapon isn't under pressure. The bipod and the whole weapon is loose and not ready to shoot at all, a shoot in that state and she will have a nice hematoma in her shoulder...

Okay, I was to long in the army...
But you can't see all the weapon. It could be larger, but well, is just a picture xDD
with all this complains you are just look like nerd
most of people don't care
you can see the butt of the gunstock against her cheek, also her eye is nowhere near the eyepiece.

to me it looks like she is just messing around reloading and may be in training with it.

hobbito said:
But you can't see all the weapon. It could be larger, but well, is just a picture xDD
The pose in this picture is justifiable, maybe she's loading the weapon at the time.
In the meantime there are so many pictures around with completely off scales, or bizarre poses of holding/firing. I just wonder why this would happen. If an artist is interested in guns enough so as to run into the trouble drawing one, it's hard to imaging he/she would not know about the correct pose of holding/firing.

But it's another story if these are commercial pictures with given motifs, though.
kiowa said:
If an artist is interested in guns enough so as to run into the trouble drawing one, it's hard to imaging he/she would not know about the correct pose of holding/firing.
It's game cg, so one person had an idea and another drew it most likely - for whatever reason this fit in the game's story
georgy4 said:
with all this complains you are just look like nerd
most of people don't care
LOL.. so much win ^^
bakaneko said:
It's game cg, so one person had an idea and another drew it most likely - for whatever reason this fit in the game's story
I believe one person draws the charas and another does the backgrounds, and judging from how the weapons have different textures from the charas, I don't think Fumio drew them either.
Dear blind people

She has her left hand on the magazine so she is reloading and has right on the blot so she can chamber the first round.

A guy with working glasses.
ytdh said:
A guy with broken glasses.
Fixed that for you.
Arbaal said:
Okay, here we have it again... a great weapon image, in which you see, that the painter didn't had a clue about guns.
Aren't there far to few people without any knowledge about weapons?
Radioactive said:
Fixed that for you.
how can you type while blind?
ytdh said:
how can you type while blind?
How can you type without a brain?
Zenex said:
How can you type without a brain?
Why are you asking me cause you've figured out how.
Get a room already you two.
to be honest, I'm more concerned about how that guy is holding the... unocular?
Go ahead, tell me that's the professional way to hold it, doesn't make it not look silly.
By the way, why the hell is there a completely flashing in nature not camo mattress under them ?