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ahah, if i accidentally walked into this I would probably be scared, and run quickly away.
i want this really big on my wall o_o;;
not really... "normal" people would think it offensive and vulgar..
YumYumLoli said:
i want this really big on my wall o_o;;
Ha Ha...good~ joke~ YumYum.
BurningSteel said:
ahah, if i accidentally walked into this I would probably be scared, and run quickly away.
I would quickly run toward them and help them out.
Yeah. I would help them out with whatever they need. 'wink wink' lol
I love stuff in teh but! <3
ziek163 your avatar must be safe
I haven't noticed it at first glance, but they help each other from right to left. I hope they are sitting circle-like, or else it would be unfair.
what would those funnel things be called if i searched for them?
I can join you? ..please (¬‿¬)

ǝɹısǝp ʎןuo ʎɯ :)