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255884 2973.1 片桐雛太 KATAGIRI Hinata 初めての春 Hajimete no haru (First Spring) はじめまして、こんにちは。片桐雛太です。 こうしてお目にかかることができて、とても嬉しいです。 絵師100人展の今回のテーマは「日本の四季」。日本は春夏秋冬、それぞれ彩りの変わる季節を持っています。 その中で春は、桜の薄紅やたくさんの花々が優しい色を見せてくれます。子供が生まれて初めて感じる春、母になって初めて過ごす春……、そんな気持ちで描きました。 この春は、皆さんの目にも優しく映っているでしようか? このイラストは、今までの私では描かなかったような、少し趣きの違う1枚になりました。たくさんの気持ちを詰め込めた1枚です。 あなたが、少しでも気に入ってくださったなら本当に嬉しいです。 見てくださって、ありがとうございました。 How do you do, hello, I am KATAGIRI Hinata. I am very happy to be able to meet you like this. The theme for this ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition is ‘The Four Seasons of Japan’. The changing seasons in Japan, spring, summer, autumn and winter, all have their own colors. Of these, spring is represented by the pale pink blossoms of the cherry trees and numerous other flowers that bloom in gentle colors. The feeling that I wanted to express in this picture is that of a young baby experiencing its first spring and a woman experiencing spring as a mother for the first time. Does this year’s spring seem gentle to you all? This illustration uses a subject I have never drawn before and its atmosphere is quite different from my usual work. It is filled with lots of sentiment. I will be really happy if you like it, even a little bit. Thank you for looking at it. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255966 2972.1 カスカべアキラ Akira Caskabe Magical KIMONO girls Magical KIMONO girls 昨年に引き続き、多くの方々のお目に触れる機会をいただき、大変光栄に思います。 日本の四季はどれも魅力的で、題材を一つの季節に絞ることができなかったので、思い切ってすべて詰め込みました。四季の動植物がとび出す着物を着ながら踊るのは、楽しそうだけどちょっと大変かもしれません…! I feel very honored to have been given this opportunity to have my work viewed by large numbers of people again this year. All the Japanese seasons are attractive and I found it impossible to limit myself to just one of them for the subject of this work so I included them all! It must be great fun to be able to dance in a magical kimono from which plants and animals spill out, but it is must also be a little difficult...! WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255965 2971.1 介錯 KAISHAKU 桜前線北上中 Sakurazensen hokujyochu (The Cherry-blossom Front is Moving North) 日本の四季といえばどの季節も素晴らしく好きですが折角なので前回と同じキャラで「春」を描いてみました。 春というだけで気持ちがウキウキ、ハッピーになリます。世界中を楽しい桜色に染め上げてくれれば皆穏やかに、幸せになるんじやないかな。 When I think of Japan’s four seasons, I like them all as they are all wonderful, but I have taken this opportunity to use the same character as last year to illustrate ‘spring’. The sound of the word ‘spring’ is enough to make us feel excited and happy. If it were possible to color the whole world with cherry blossom, then I think everybody would become calm and happy. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255883 2970.1 CARNELIAN CARNELIAN 夏の終わり Natsu no owari (The End of Summer) 白いワンピースの少女と紅い曼殊沙華。熟成され芳醇な香りを放ち始める秋の訪れ。 日本のテ一マカラー『紅と白』をメインイメージに描きました。 A girl in a white dress holding a red spider lily. Autumn approaches, emitting a rich mellow scent. I used Japan’s theme colors, red and white, as the main image in this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255882 2969.1 小原トメ太 Tometa Ohara 雪まちウサギ Yukirnachi usaqi (Rabbit Waiting for the Snow) いつかどこかで見た、_面の雪景色にポツリと立っている女の子の写真が妙に印象的で、その淡い記憶を元に製作しました。 寒そうだけどちょっぴりあたたかい絵になるように心掛けました。 冬の「誰かを待っている時間」つて好きなんです。ただこのシチユエ一シヨンだと寒さが勝つちゃうかもしれませんね。 そういえば雪ウサギって日本特有の文化なんでしようか? I once saw a photograph somewhere of a girl standing on her own against a background of snow; it made a strong impression on me and this picture is based on that faint memory. I tried to create an impression of coldness but with a tiny spark of warmth. I like the theme of ‘waiting for somebody’ in winter. However, in this situation, the cold might win. By the way, is the idea of making snow rabbits unique to Japanese culture? WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255964 2968.1 才ダワラハコネ HAKONE ODAWARA はるこなつこあきこふゆこ Haruko Natsuko Akiko Fuyuko (Ms. Spring, Ms. Summer, Ms. Autumn, Ms. Winter) 去年に引き続き、お招き頂き有難うございました。 オダワラハコネと申します。 テ一マが「日本の四季」という事で、たぶん同ネタ多数だとは思うのですが、四季の擬人化にしてみました。 「絵師100人展02」が開催になっている頃ははるこさんの独壇場だと思うのですが、これを描いている今は、ふゆこさんが猛威を奮っておリます。 とても寒いです。 Thank you for inviting me to participate this year as well as last year. My name is HAKONE ODAWARA. The theme is ‘the four seasons’ and although I am sure that many other artists have probably have used the same idea, I decided to anthropomorphize these as four girls. When the ‘Eshi 100 Exhibition 02’ takes place, I think that Haruko (Ms. spring) will be reigning supreme, but as I draw this, Fuyuko (Ms. winter) is on the rampage. It is freezing cold. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255963 2967.1 岡崎武士 TAKESHI OKAZAKI 訪ねくる女 Tazunekuru Onna (The Visiting Woman) 雪降る夜に訪れてくるという妖怪『雪女』。 溶けて消えそうな傻さと吹雪のような荒々しさの共存する妖怪です。文献には15世紀には登場しているそうです。 伝承では大体美しい女の姿で現れるらしいのですが、そういえば雪男というのは聞いたことがないように思います。雪男といえば白い類人猿のイメージで、和風ではあリません。 雪降る夜に訪れるのが醜悪な化け物でもなく、意思疎通のできない暴力的な類人猿でもなく、美しい女性とされたところに日本人の琴線に触れるなにかがあるのではないかと私は思うのです。自分の平穏な生活に奇異なモノが侵入してきて始まるストーリ一なんてまさにマンガそのもので、それが美女だなんて実に昨今流行しているパターンだったリします。15世紀から時を経ても変わらない王道パターンなのですね。 雪女の伝承が現代まで語り継がれたのはそのあたりに理由があるのかもしれません。 A monster who comes to visit on a snowy night—The Snow Woman. This monster combines the impermanence of melting snow with the wildness of a blizzard. It first appeared in literature in the fifteenth century. Tradition states that it takes the form of a beautiful woman, and I must admit that I have never heard of a snow man. The only snow man I know is the 'abominable snowman’ who is supposed to be a white anthropoid, but that has nothing to do with Japan. I think that the fact that this creature, who is said to visit on snowy nights, is not described as a hideous monster or a violent anthropoid with whom it is impossible to communicate, but rather a beautiful woman is what pulls at the heartstrings of the Japanese. A story about a strange creature who suddenly enters a person’s uneventful life is truly the stuff of manga and moreover, if it is a beautiful woman it fits into a pattern that is popular these days. It is truly a classic pattern that has continued down from the fifteenth century. I think that this is the reason why people still tell the story of the Snow Woman. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255962 2966.1 大野哲也 TetsuyaOhno 彼岸花の少女 Higanbana no shojo (Spider-lily Girl) 今回も、またこのような企画にお招きいただき、ありがとうございます。 お題が「日本の四季」ということなので、花と美少女の組み合わせでいこうと思い、色々と悩んだ結果、彼岸花になリました。 おかげで、夏の終わリから秋の初めぐらいの中途半端な季節になりましたが、気に入っています。 まだ見習いの山の神様という設定です。きっと天然っぶりを発揮して、周リの神様にさんざん迷惑をかけていることでしよう。 最後になりましたが、彼岸花は毒があるので食べるのは止めましよう。 (毒抜きできますけども…) Thank you for inviting me to participate in the event again this year. The subject was ‘Japan’s Four Seasons’ so I thought I would combine flowers and a girl; after a lot of thought, I decided to use spider lilies as the flowers. As a result I have produced an image of a sort of semi-season, when summer ends and autumn begins, but I am very happy with it. It shows a goddess of the mountain who is still only an apprentice. She is so innocent that she has probably given the surrounding gods a lot of trouble. In closing, I would like to mention that spider lilies are poisonous so please don’t try to eat them. (It is, however, possible to remove the poison...) WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255961 2965.1 大石竜子 Ryuko Ooishi ころもがえ少女 Koromogae shojo (A Young Girl's Seasonal Clothes) 四季がはっきリしている日本では季節に合わせたファッションも多様です。日本の四季の女神様をミニキャラ化しました。 ちょっと背伸びしたい少女の大人への憧れが女神様に姿を変えて様々な洋服をおすすめしています。 In Japan, where the four seasons are clearly defined, there are distinct fashions for each season. I depicted the goddesses of the seasons as mini-characters. The young, growing girl is just beginning to feel the attraction of the adult world and the goddesses are offering her various different clothes to wear. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255960 2964.1 お一じ o-ji 梅雨花 Tsuyubana (Rainy Season Flowers) はじめまして、お一じと申します。 日本には四季があると言いますが実は五季なのでは?と思っています。「春の爽やかさ」「夏の暑さ」の間にどちらにも似つかない梅雨がある。大抵の人は「梅雨は嫌い」と言いますが僕は好きです。 今回、自分の中にある梅雨のジメリとしたイメージを描きだしてみました。「雨•テルテル少女•和傘•紫陽花•アマガエル•力タツムリ」 そして「少しだけ濡れて気持ち悪くなるくらいなら、全て濡れてしまおうと思いつぐ少女」 How do you do, my name is o-ji. People often talk of the four seasons of Japan, but I think that it should really be five seasons. In between ‘invigorating spring’ and ‘hot summer’ there comes the ‘rainy season’ that does not resemble either or them. Most people say that they hate the rainy season, but personally, I like it. For this exhibition I have tried to bring out my personal image of the dampness of the rainy season. ‘Rain, dolls hung up to wish for good weather, a Japanese umbrella, hydrangeas, a tree frog, a snail’, and ‘a young girl’ who thinks that if it is going to feel horrible to get a little wet, she might as well get soaked.’ WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255959 2963.1 江草天仁 Takahito Exa 春夏秋冬、晴れ Shunkashuto - hare (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter — Sunny) 私の育った長野県では四季がとても顕著に現れ、それぞれの季節の美しさを強く感じることができました。 春の雪解け後の野花、夏の湖や花、木々の緑、秋の山に広がる紅葉、冬の降り積もった雪と青い空。 記憶の中にある、晴れの曰の輝く四季を4人の女神に見立て描かせていただきました。 In Nagano Prefecture, where I was brought up, the four season are clearly defined, and it is possible to be strongly moved by the beauty that each of them possess. In spring there are the wild flowers that appear after the melting of the snow, in summer there is the view of the lake, the flowers and greenery, in fall the changing color of the leaves turn the mountains red, while in winter there is snow and blue skies. I have chosen to depict my memories of sunny days during each, representing them by the four goddesses of the seasons. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255958 2962.1 うたたねひろゆき HIROYUKI UTATANE 祭りの後•夏 Matsuri no ato - Natsu (After the Festival - Summer) 昨年のコメントでCGへの転向を決心したと書いたところ、周リの全員に「やめろ!」と怒られました。 というわけで今回も手描き•手塗りの原稿です。 やはり今回も塗っても塗っても終わらなくて心が折れかけました。 今回のテーマが「日本の四季」とのことで、前回に引き続き、少々ひねくれた視点で「日常で非日常」な一コマを切り抜いてみました。 基本的に屋内生活者の私たちの季節は夏と冬ですよね? In my comment for last year’s exhibition I wrote that I had decided to start using computer graphics, but everybody around me got mad and shouted, ‘Don’t do it!’ As a result, this year’s picture is also drawn and colored by hand. But again, no matter how much I painted, I never seemed to finish and it was extremely frustrating. The theme for this year is ‘Japan’s four seasons’,so continuing from last year, I have produced a single frame that depicts the 'normal but abnormal’ drawn from a slightly warped viewpoint. Basically, for people like me who spend their lives indoors, there are only two seasons, summer or winter, aren’t there? WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255957 2961.1 兎塚エイジ USATSUKA EIJI 坂の上へ Saka no ue e (To the Top of the Hill) 頂いたテ一マは「日本の四季」ということで季節は秋、京都のニ寧坂をモチーフに修学旅行生を描いてみました。 本当はもっと人でごった返しているのですが人だらけになるので、少し混雑を緩和してあリます。 今見返してみるともう少し混んでいた方が観光地っぽくなって良かったかもしれませんね。 隠れキヤラもいるので探してみてください。 I was given the theme of ‘The Four Seasons of Japan’ so I chose autumn, using the motif of a school outing to Ninenzaka in Kyoto. The place is really more crowded than this but I did not want to fill the picture with people so I reduced the congestion a little. Looking at it now, I think that perhaps it would have been better and looked more like a tourist site if I had made it a bit more crowded. There is a hidden character in the picture, see if you can find it. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255881 2960.1 植田売 RyoUeda 夜桜 Yozakura (Cherry Blossom at Night) 夜桜の美しさに加えて全体的に妖しさなんかを感じさせられたら、という思いで描きました。 My aim in drawing this was to capture a feeling of mystery in addition to the beauty of the cherry blossom at night. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255956 2959.1 上田夢人 Yumehito Ueda 巡る夢 Meguru yume (Revolving Dreams) 日本の良いところとして、色彩豊かな四季を挙げる日本人はとても多いそうです。 確かにわれわれは、曰々の暮らしや長い人生の中での思い出を、季節の色彩と共に記憶しrいる気がします。 桜と、入学式や始まリの予感。 花火の音や虫の声と、故郷や祭りの賑わい。 紅葉の色と、別離や物寂しげな気配。 厳しい寒さと景色を覆う雪の白さと、一年の節目。 そんなわれわれは、春に秋を意識し、夏に冬を待つように。 四季の巡りをいつでも夢みているのでしよう。 It is said that there are a lot of Japanese who name the colorful four seasons as being the best thing about Japan. I think it is true that when we look back over our daily lives or the things that we recall over the course of a long life, it will include the colors of the seasons. Cherry blossom and entering school or starting something new. Fireworks or the sound of insects and the excitement of a festival in our hometown. The color of the maple leaves and = the sorrow of parting or a feeling of sadness. White snow that covers the harsh winter landscape and the turning point of the year. Just as we are conscious of the fall during spring or look forward to winter during summer, we are always dreaming about the revolving seasons. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255955 2958.1 伊藤ベン Itoh Ben 龍狩りの春祭〜桜花舞う季節 Ryugari no haru matsuri - oka mau kisetsu (Dragon Hunt Spring Festival — The Season When the Cherry Blossom Falls) どラも、伊藤ベンと申します。 このような晴れの場に、またもや参加が叶い光栄です! 今回は『日本』そして『季節』がテ一マということで、私が好きな季節『春』をモチーフにテーマを膨らませてみました。 日本から古来より伝わる伝説のモンスタ一『龍』をメインとして登場させて、画面のキャラクタ一には天使の翼を付けて、そして自分の絵らしく、刀の武器も持たせて――。 しかし今回は難産でした。実作業はもちろんですが、特に構図でひたすら悩んだ時間が多かったように感じます…。 難産ついでに、この際なので昨年描いたキャラクターも登場させてみました。前回の図録をお持ちで気にされた方は、確認していただければ幸いです。 と、こんな苦労をした結果からなのか、それとも制作に掛けた時間が長かったせいなのか、近年描いた作品の中では一番好きな絵になったような気もします。 桜はいいですよね!ラブです!ビバ日本です!! 昨年とても色々なことが起こりましたが、やはリそれでも私はこの日本が大好きです。 この作品を御覧になった方も気に入って貰えたら、それに勝る幸せはありません。 ありがとうございました…!! Hello, my name is Itoh Ben. I am very honored to be able to participate in this event again. This year the themes are ‘Japan’ and ‘seasons’ so I decided to use my favorite season, spring, to enlarge upon these. I used the dragon, a monster from Japanese legend, as the main subject, giving the characters in the picture wings like an angel and having them carry swords, as is typical in my work. However, it was difficult to do. Of course, it goes without saying that the actual illustration was hard, but in particular, I seemed to spend an awful lot of time thinking about the composition. As well as it being difficult to create, I also added the characters from last year’s work and I hope that those of you who have last year’s catalogue will look and check this out. Perhaps it is because it was such a struggle to create, or because I spent so much time working on it, but I think that this is my favorite picture in recent years. Isn’t cherry blossom great? It’s love! Viva Japan! Lots of things happened last year, but even so, I still love Japan. If people like this picture, then nothing could give me greater happiness. Thank you very much. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
236718 2957.3 胸部 (deleted) to2leaf 05/26/13 Revert
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236718 2957.1 胸部 to2leaf 05/26/13 Revert
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228231 2417.7 Oouh! Hey! Stop! That's dangerous! van 10/15/12 Revert