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256005 3035.1 MATSUDA98 MATSU DA98 いつまでも絶えることなく Itsumademo taerukoto naku (Together Forever) 別れと出会いの季節、「春」を描かせていただきました。 3月までは同じ制服を着ていた彼女達は4月に別々の学校へ進み、今は別々の制服を着て別々の生活を送っています。 少しさみしいけれどそうやって環境が変わっても絶えることなく、いられたら。明日もきっと別々のところで頑張れると思うのです。 また、そんな切ない気持ちを暖かく包んでくれる春という季節がとても大好きです。 写真を撮っているもう1人も想像していただけると嬉しいです。 I have drawn a picture of spring, the season of partings and meetings. These girls, who all wore the same uniforms until March, will be going to different schools from April; they will all wear different uniforms and live different lives. It is a little sad but even though their environments change, if they can only remain unchanged, then I am sure that they will all be able to do their best from tomorrow on their own. I love spring for the way in which it envelops this sad emotion in warmth. I hope that you will try to imagine the sixth member of the group who is taking this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
256004 3034.1 ポルリン Porurin 障子貼る Shoji haru (Repapering the Sliding Doors) 今回のテーマは「日本の四季」でしたので赤が好きな自分は真っ先に秋を選択し、次になにで日本を感じてもらうか考えました。その時に目を付けたのが季語でした。そして見つけたのが「障子貼る」という単語、これは冬の寒さに備えて障子を貼るという仲秋の季語。自分は覚えてないですが、子供の頃に障子を張リ替えてたのはもしかしたら秋だったのかもしれません。シャワーで紙を濡らすのが大好きでした。のリを水で溶き、薄くしてハケで塗るのも楽しかったです。 何気ない日常の中でもなんとなく次の季節のために準備する習慣や作業があり、それを行うと「この季節がきたか!」と感じます。四季を表現することは日本を表現することにも通じていると、この絵を描いて実感しました。今回のテ一マは大変素晴らしいものでした。 The theme this time is ‘The Four Seasons of Japan’; I like red so I immediately chose autumn, but next I asked myself what subject would make people think of Japan. That is when I noticed a dictionary of seasonal words for poetry. Looking inside there was an entry for ‘papering doors’, which is done in mid-autumn in preparation of the cold of winter. I do not remember, but it might well have been autumn when the sliding doors were repapered during my childhood. I used to like wetting the old paper with the shower. I also enjoyed diluting the glue with water and then applying a thin coat to the door with a brush. The custom of performing simple everyday tasks like this in preparation of the coming season, lets us appreciate the season we are currently enjoying. While drawing this picture, I realized that expressing the seasons is another way of expressing Japan. This year’s theme is really wonderful. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
256003 3033.1 ぽよよん♡ろつく Poyoyon♡Rock いちねんじゆ〜、すくみずday♪ Ichinenju, sukumizu day♪ (School Swimsuit Day All Year Round) はじめまして、ぽよよんワろつくといいます こんかいも、だいすきなすくみずをもち〜ふにはるはさくらひらひら、なつは かぶとむしぶ〜ん、あきはもみじ、ふゆはしんしんふるゆき きせつはいつでも、すくみずで〜ぴこぴこげ〜むしてたいな♪o(^-^)o How do you do, my name is Poyoyon♡Rock. I have used my favorite subject—a school swimsuit—as the main motif with floating petals of cherry blossom to represent spring, a flying beetle for summer, maple leaves for autumn and heavy snow for winter. Whatever the season, I want to play video games in a school swimsuit♪o(^-^)o WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
256002 3032.1 星野リリィ hoshino lily 夏の日課 Natsu no nikka (Summer Routine) 四季の中で一番好きな夏に、好きな花、好きな植物、好きなモチーフ…と好きなものを詰め込んでみました。こまごましている部分が多いので何かと大変でしたが楽しかったです。 I packed all my favorite things, my favorite flowers, my favorite plants, my favorite motifs...everything, into my favorite of the four seasons— summer. There is a lot of fine detail so it was quite hard to achieve, but I enjoyed doing it. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255907 3031.1 べつかんこう Bekkankou 涼 Ryo (Cool Breeze) はじめまして、べっかんこうです。この度は絵師100人展に参加させていただき、ありがとうございます。 今回はテ一マが「日本の四季」ということで、特に日本の夏にイメージを絞って描かせていただきました。 最近はなかなかイラストのような縁側を見かけなくなリました。それでも夏になると昔遊んだ友達の家や父方の田舎の風景を懐かしく思い出します。夏の暑い日にはクーラーの効いた涼しい部屋にでも引きこもりたいものですが、こんな夏の過ごし方も良いなとこのイラストを見てくださった皆さまに感じてもらえたら嬉しいです。 How do you do, my name is Bekkankou. Thank you very much for inviting me to participate in the Eshi 100 exhibition. The theme for this exhibition is ‘The Four Seasons of Japan’ and I decided to focus in on summer. These days we rarely see a traditional verandah like the one depicted in this picture. Despite this, in the summer I often feel nostalgic for the one in my friend’s house where I used to play as a child or the country scenery from my father’s hometown. In the heat of summer we just want to stay indoors with the air conditioning on, but I hope that the people who see this illustration will feel attracted to the kind of summer it depicts. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255906 3030.1 フミ才 Fumio 赤青黄色い秋と少女 Aka ao kiiroi aki to shojo (Red, Blue and Yellow Autumn and Girl) 秋といえば、紅葉や夕焼けの赤と黄色のイメージだったのですが、もう少しカラフルな秋を描いてみようと思いました。 When we think of autumn, imagine red leaves, red sunsets and yellow, but I thought I would make autumn a bit more colorful. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
256001 3029.1 ひびき玲音 Reine Hibiki 制服 Seifuku (Uniforms) 日本の四季を1枚の絵で表現するのにあたって、前回の作品でも描いた女子高校生を中心に『制服と季節』でまとめようと構想を練っていたのですが、欲張リな私はひとつの季節に絞ることができず、結局全ての季節を描くことになリました(笑)。 私が感じる季節のイメージをキャラクタ一の雰囲気にかぶせてみました。 お気に入りの子を選んでいただけると嬉しいです。 In order to express Japan's four seasons in a single picture I decided to focus on the image of a senior high school girls, as I did last year, using the concept of ‘uniforms and seasons’. However, being greedy, I could not bring myself to concentrate on one season and ended up including them all. (laughs) I have combined my image of each season with the various characters. I hope you choose the girl you like the best. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255905 3028.1 樋上いたる Itaru Hinoue 冬龍 Toryu (Winter Dragon) 樋上いたるです。またこのような場にお誘いいただきまして、誠にあリがとうございます!今回は「日本の四季」とのことでしたので、冬をテ一マに今年の干支の辰(龍)を描いてみました。冬を意識したので龍の鬣は白く、吐く息も白です。女の子と龍が繫がるように目の色は同じにしてみました。 My name is Itaru Hinoue. Thank you very much for inviting me to take part in this event again! The theme this year is The Four Seasons of Japan’ so I chose winter and combined it with a dragon which is this year's animal, according to the Chinese zodiac. I created a feeling of winter by making the dragon’s mane and breath white. I also made the girl's eyes the same color as the dragon’s in order to make a link between the two. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
256000 3027.1 緋色雪 Yuki Hiiro うつくしきもの Utsukushikimono (Beautiful Things) 日本と四季がテ一マとのことで、枕草子の序文「春はあけぼの…」の季節描写全てを取リ入れた白拍子の舞を描いてみました。 金雲や衣装など、必要以上に「和」を主張しています。四季という美しき理を少しでも描けていたなら幸いです。 The theme is The Four Seasons of Japan’ and so I have drawn a Heian Period (794-1185) dancing girl, including all the seasonal descriptions that are listed in the introduction to Makura-no-soshi, which opens with the passage, ‘In spring it is the dawn..., From the golden clouds to the girl's costume, I have stressed the Japanese aspects of the picture. I will be very happy if I have succeeded in capturing some of the beauty of the four seasons in my drawing. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255999 3026.1 晚杯あきら Vampire Killer 雪やコンコン Yuki ya konkon (It is Snowing) こんにちは、晚杯あきらです。 この度はこのような場におよびいただけて心から光栄に思います! 作品の方は狐耳の女子ですね。 私、今は雪の少ない地域に住んでいるのですが出身は雪国です。なのでその雪景色を懐かしみながら描きました。 タイトルは完全に後付けなのですが、上手いこと狐と雪でかかってしまいましたね(ドヤ顔) Hello, I’m Vampire Killer. I am very honored to be invited to take part in this event! The subject of this work is a girl with fox ears. At the moment I live in a place that does not get much snow but I originally come from the snow country, so I felt quite nostalgic as I drew the snow scene in this picture. The title was added after I finished the work, but it is very apt for the picture. (Konkon means both heavy snowfall and describes the cry of the fox). WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255998 3025.1 バーニア600 VANIA600 夏音列車 Natsu oto ressha (Summer Sounds Train) アナログ改札を抜け、アナログ列車に乗る。いつもの差し入れ、いつもの運ちゃん。 古の納涼装置が揺れる、夏の上り134列車。 Passing through an analog ticket barrier to board an analog train. The usual present of a can of drink for the usual driver. The traditional cooling devices (wind bells) sway as ‘Up Train no.134’ pulls away. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255904 3024.1 西又葵 Aoi Nishimata しゅうしよくまつしま Shushoku Matsushima (Matsushima in Autumn Colors) 前回に引き続き参加させて戴くにあたり、今回のテ一マが「日本の四季」と言う事で非常に悩みました。日本の素晴らしい四季のうち、どの季節を描くか。そしてその景色をどこにするか。数々考え今回描かせていただいたのはやはリ宮城県の松島という場所でした。昨年の東日本大震災より少し前に偶然プライべ一卜で訪れていた場所であリ、大きな被害を受けた石巻、気仙沼などもその時に訪れました。その時に松島に滞在していたときに旅館の窓から眺めた素晴らしい松島の景色oまさに「日本三景」と頷きました。その素晴らしさを少しでも絵にし皆様にお届けできるよう。そしてぜひ皆様にも訪れて欲しい場所と思い描かせて頂きました。そして題材は松島の素晴らしさをより表現できる秋を選び、手前に白い菊を配置しました。白い菊は少し倭げで物悲しい印象もありますが花言葉は「誠実」「真実」です。誠実な日本。真実の日本を描けたのなら個人的にも満足です。 I was invited to participate in this event again this year, but upon being given the theme of ‘Japan’s four seasons’ to work on, I spent a long time wondering what to do. I could not make up my mind which of the wonderful four seasons Japan enjoys to use and what scenery to feature as the subject. After a lot of thought, I settled on Matsushima in Miyagi Prefecture. I happened to have been there shortly before the Great East Japan Earthquake and also visited the towns of Ishinomaki and Kesennuma that suffered such terrible damage during the disaster. While I was there I liked to look out of the window of the inn where I was staying on Matsushima and enjoy the wonderful view. It is definitely worthy of being described as one of Japan’s ‘three greatest views’. I hope that I have been able to capture even a small part of its beauty to deliver to you all. I also drew it in the hope that you might visit the area one day. For that reason I chose to depict it in the fall, when Matsushima is at its most beautiful, and I added some white chrysanthemums in the foreground. White chrysanthemums seem ephemeral and melancholy, but in the language of flowers, they stand for ‘fidelity’ and ‘truth’. If I have succeeded in depicting a faithful image of Japan, the true Japan, then I will be very happy. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255903 3022.4 ななかまし mai nanaca ほろほろ桜天よリこぼるる Horohorosakura ten yori koboruru (Falling Cherry Blossom, Spilling Down from Heaven) 初めまして、ななかまいと申します。 今回のテ一マは『四季』とのことなので、しきつながりで(駄洒落一。)『ほろほろと天よりこぼるる桜かな』という正岡子規の俳句をオマージュ&自由律風にしたタイトルにしてみました。 ……確かこんな俳句があったはずなのです。 ググっても出てこなかつたので自信ないですが; えぇと。最近は『ちはやふる』でちょっとだけメジャ一になった百人一首を始め、俳句や短歌などの短い言葉の中には四季の風物が織り込まれているものが多いですよね。 言葉は時代とともに変化して、辞書を片手に読まないと分からない作品も多いけど、それでも美しいものを美しいと感じる心は、きつと今も昔も同じ。そんな思いが伝わると嬉しいです。 余談ですが、中学高校と百人一首部だったななかは上述の『ちはや』の影響で百人一首人口が増えてくれて(?)すこく嬉しいです。 力ルタ楽しいですよ力ルタ!是非☆ How do you do? My name is mai nanaca. The theme this year is ‘the four seasons’. I named this work in homage to a haiku poem by MASAOKA Shiki: ‘Spilling from heaven, One following another, The cherry blossom’ but using a free style. ...I was sure that she wrote a poem like this, but no matter how long I googled it, I could not find it so I am no longer confident. Err...recently the popularity of the manga, Chihayafuru, has led to a renewed interest in Japanese poetry, such as haiku or tanka, which incorporate expressions of the scenery of the four season’s within a short verse. Words change with times and many of these old poems are now incomprehensible unless you have a dictionary to hand, but I think that our hearts, which allow us to recognize beautiful things as being beautiful, remains unchanged in both past and present. I will be delighted if you can feel this in my work. To change the subject, I was a member of the poetry card club at junior and senior high school, so I am delighted to see more people interested in the subject as a result of the heroine ‘Chihaya’ in the manga I mentioned earlier. Poetry card games are fun! Please try them. syaoran-kun 05/31/13 Revert
255903 3022.3 ななかまし mai nanaca ほろほろ桜天よリこぼるる Horohorosakura ten yori koboruru (Falling Cherry Blossom, Spilling Down from Heaven) 初めまして、ななかまいと申します。 今回のテ一マは『四季』とのことなので、しきつながりで(駄洒落一。)『ほろほろと天よりこぼるる桜かな』という正岡子規の俳句をオマージュ&自由律風にしたタイトルにしてみました。 ……確かこんな俳句があったはずなのです。 ググっても出てこなかつたので自信ないですが; えぇと。最近は『ちはやふる』でちょっとだけメジャ一になった百人一首を始め、俳句や短歌などの短い言葉の中には四季の風物が織り込まれているものが多いですよね。 言葉は時代とともに変化して、こ辞書を片手に読まないと分からない作品も多いけど、それでも美しいものを美しいと感じる心は、きつと今も昔も同じ。そんな思いが伝わると嬉しいです。 余談ですが、中学高校と百人一首部だったななかは上述の『ちはや』の影響で百人一首人口が増えてくれて(?)すこく嬉しいです。 力ルタ楽しいですよ力ルタ!是非☆ How do you do? My name is mai nanaca. The theme this year is ‘the four seasons’. I named this work in homage to a haiku poem by MASAOKA Shiki: ‘Spilling from heaven, One following another, The cherry blossom’ but using a free style. ...I was sure that she wrote a poem like this, but no matter how long I googled it, I could not find it so I am no longer confident. Err...recently the popularity of the manga, Chihayafuru, has led to a renewed interest in Japanese poetry, such as haiku or tanka, which incorporate expressions of the scenery of the four season’s within a short verse. Words change with times and many of these old poems are now incomprehensible unless you have a dictionary to hand, but I think that our hearts, which allow us to recognize beautiful things as being beautiful, remains unchanged in both past and present. I will be delighted if you can feel this in my work. To change the subject, I was a member of the poetry card club at junior and senior high school, so I am delighted to see more people interested in the subject as a result of the heroine ‘Chihaya’ in the manga I mentioned earlier. Poetry card games are fun! Please try them. syaoran-kun 05/31/13 Revert
255903 3022.2 ななかまい mai nanaca ほろほろ桜天よリこぼるる Horohorosakura ten yori koboruru (Falling Cherry Blossom, Spilling Down from Heaven) 初めまして、ななかまいと申します。 今回のテ一マは『四季』とのことなので、しきつながりで(駄洒落一。)『ほろほろと天よりこぼるる桜かな』という正岡子規の俳句をオマージュ&自由律風にしたタイトルにしてみました。 ……確かこんな俳句があったはずなのです。 ググっても出てこなかつたので自信ないですが; えぇと。最近は『ちはやふる』でちょっとだけメジャ一になった百人一首を始め、俳句や短歌などの短い言葉の中には四季の風物が織り込まれているものが多いですよね。 言葉は時代とともに変化じこ辞書を片手に読まないと分からない作品も多いけど、それでも美しいものを美しいと感じる心は、きつと今も昔も同じ。そんな思いが伝わると嬉しいです。 余談ですが、中学高校と百人一首部だったななかは上述の『ちはや』の影響で百人一首人口が増えてくれて(?)すこく嬉しいです。 力ルタ楽しいですよ力ルタ!是非☆ How do you do? My name is mai nanaca. The theme this year is ‘the four seasons’. I named this work in homage to a haiku poem by MASAOKA Shiki: ‘Spilling from heaven, One following another, The cherry blossom’ but using a free style. ...I was sure that she wrote a poem like this, but no matter how long I googled it, I could not find it so I am no longer confident. Err...recently the popularity of the manga, Chihayafuru, has led to a renewed interest in Japanese poetry, such as haiku or tanka, which incorporate expressions of the scenery of the four season’s within a short verse. Words change with times and many of these old poems are now incomprehensible unless you have a dictionary to hand, but I think that our hearts, which allow us to recognize beautiful things as being beautiful, remains unchanged in both past and present. I will be delighted if you can feel this in my work. To change the subject, I was a member of the poetry card club at junior and senior high school, so I am delighted to see more people interested in the subject as a result of the heroine ‘Chihaya’ in the manga I mentioned earlier. Poetry card games are fun! Please try them. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255997 3023.1 西中康弘 Yasuhiro Nishinaka 彼岸の狐 Higan no kitsune (Fox of the Equinox) 仕事場の近くに狐が行列をしてお参りをすることで有名な神社があります。現代の狐がどんな格好でお参りをするか、そんなことを考えながら描いてみました。 There is a shrine near the place where I work which is famed for processions of foxes coming to pray. What form would a fox take today? That is what I was thinking as I drew this illustration. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255903 3022.1 ななかまし mai nanaca ほろほろ桜天よリこぼるる Horohorosakura ten yori koboruru (Falling Cherry Blossom, Spilling Down from Heaven) 初めまして、ななかまいと申します。 今回のテ一マは『四季』とのことなので、しきつながりで(駄洒落一。)『ほろほろと天よりこぼるる桜かな』という正岡子規の俳句をオマージュ&自由律風にしたタイトルにしてみました。 ……確かこんな俳句があったはずなのです。 ググっても出てこなかつたので自信ないですが; えぇと。最近は『ちはやふる』でちょっとだけメジャ一になった百人一首を始め、俳句や短歌などの短い言葉の中には四季の風物が織り込まれているものが多いですよね。 言葉は時代とともに変化じこ辞書を片手に読まないと分からない作品も多いけど、それでも美しいものを美しいと感じる心は、きつと今も昔も同じ。そんな思いが伝わると嬉しいです。 余談ですが、中学高校と百人一首部だったななかは上述の『ちはや』の影響で百人一首人口が増えてくれて(?)すこく嬉しいです。 力ルタ楽しいですよ力ルタ!是非☆ How do you do? My name is mai nanaca. The theme this year is ‘the four seasons’. I named this work in homage to a haiku poem by MASAOKA Shiki: ‘Spilling from heaven, One following another, The cherry blossom’ but using a free style. ...I was sure that she wrote a poem like this, but no matter how long I googled it, I could not find it so I am no longer confident. Err...recently the popularity of the manga, Chihayafuru, has led to a renewed interest in Japanese poetry, such as haiku or tanka, which incorporate expressions of the scenery of the four season’s within a short verse. Words change with times and many of these old poems are now incomprehensible unless you have a dictionary to hand, but I think that our hearts, which allow us to recognize beautiful things as being beautiful, remains unchanged in both past and present. I will be delighted if you can feel this in my work. To change the subject, I was a member of the poetry card club at junior and senior high school, so I am delighted to see more people interested in the subject as a result of the heroine ‘Chihaya’ in the manga I mentioned earlier. Poetry card games are fun! Please try them. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255902 3021.1 七尾奈留 NARU NANAO 夏の夜 Natsu no yoru (Summer Niaht) 「日本の四季」をテーマにという事なので、私の大好きな季節「夏」を選びました。もっとも好き嫌い以前に「桜満開お花見」とか「紅葉」とか「ホワイトクリスマス」といった、日本人なら誰しもあリそうなシチュエーションに一切縁がない沖縄育ちには、夏以外の季節を好きになる機会が……。 そんなこんなで夏の夜、水面に映る花火を描こうと思い、海や浴衣に花火に神社に…と、描きたいもの、子供の頃に近所で見た景色や賑やかな中を飛んでいる蛍など、昔の思い出も含めてこの絵の中に詰め込んでみました。 As the theme was Japan's four seasons, I chose my favorite season, summer. Although I say it is my favorite, I come from Okinawa where we do not experience the ‘cherry blossom viewing’, ‘autumn leaves’, ‘white Christmas’ or other events that the rest of the Japanese enjoy, so I never had a chance to like anything but summer... I decided to draw a summer’s night with fireworks reflected in the surface of water. The sea, a yukata kimono, fireworks, a shrine, all these things that I wanted to draw derive from the scenery of my childhood when the sky was full of fireflies, so I have included all my memories in this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255901 3020.1 なつめえリ Eri Natsume 春風の贈り物 Haru kaze no okurimono (Present from the Spring Wind) 日本の四季ということで私自身一番大好きな春をテーマに描きました。 咲く花、風に散る花、地面に落ちた花とそれぞれに心や意味を感じられる、そんな日本が大好きです。 擬人化というのも日本が生んだ素晴らしいカルチャーだと思うので金魚人魚さんを描いてみました。金魚の少女が春の季節に再び愛する人に会えた、という出会いのシーンをイメージしています。 春に感じる暖かさや喜び、期待などがこの絵から伝えられたらいいなと思います。 The subject is Japan's four seasons so I have used my favorite theme...spring. Blooming blossom, petals scattering on the wind, and petals covering the ground, each of these has its own heart and meaning. This is what I love about Japan. I think that anthropomorphism is a part of the wonderful culture that developed in Japan and so I have decided to draw a mermaid who is half goldfish. I imagined a rendezvous scene,in which the goldfish girl will be able to be reunited with her lover in the spring. I hope that you will be able to find a feeling of the warmth, joy and anticipation of spring within this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255996 3019.1 奈月ここ Natsuki Coco 思い出すのは麦わら帽子の君 Omoidasu no wa mugiwaraboshi no kimi (What I Remember is You in a Straw Hat) こんにちは、奈月ここと申します。この度はまたまた素敵な企画にお誘い頂けて嬉しいです。あリがとうございます。 今回のテ一マが「四季」という事で、一番好きな夏をテ一マに描かせて頂きました。特に初夏の緑の力強さはこれから何かが起こリそうな高揚惑があつて大好きです。そしてこの季節ならではのアイテム麦わら帽子に眩しいばかリの白いワンピースと好きなものを詰め込んでみました。 この季節ならではのワクワク感と少しばかりの郷愁が描けて楽しかったです!素敵な機会をあリがとうこ'ざいました。 Hello, my name is Natsuki Coco. I am very happy to have been invited to take part in this great event once more. Thank you very much. The theme this year is ‘the four seasons’ so I took the opportunity to draw my favorite theme—summer. I particularly like early summer when the strength of the color of the green leaves fills us with the euphoric sense of anticipation. I included some of my favorite items that belong to this season, such as a straw hat and a white dress. I enjoyed expressing the sense of excitement that comes with summer, tinged with a slight feeling of nostalgia! Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255995 3018.1 なかじまゆか Yuka Nakajima 祝!成人 Shuku! Seijin (Congratulations on Coming of Age) なかじまゆかと申します。 今回、日本の四季ということで新年のイベント「成人式」を描かせて頂きました。 テーマは「成人になって初のお酒でほろ酔い加減の女の子」です。 後ろの女の子は既に出来上がっていて、成人式の明るい雰囲気を描いてみました。 ニュースなどで、きらびやかな振袖の女の子や、袴姿の男の子を見るたび、正月もこれでひと段落、新成人これから頑張れ!と思います。 My name is Yuka Nakajima. The subject this time was ‘Japan’s four seasons’ so I chose to Illustrate the ‘coming of age’ ceremony at the beginning of the year. The subject is ‘a girl who has become tipsy after drinking her first cup of sake upon becoming an adult’. The girl in the background is already drunk, and I have tried to depict the bright atmosphere of the coming of age ceremony. Every year when I see the girls in their colorful kimonos and the boys in their hakamas, I think, 'that is the end of the New Year holidays, I hope all you young adults do your best!’ WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255994 3017.1 篤見唯子 yuiko tokumi 帰り道 Kaerimichi (The Road Home) 双子の女の子の片方が手袋を忘れてしまった、というシチュエーションです。きっとこの後は手袋を半分こして手をつないで帰るんだろうなと思います。双子も色素薄めの子も大好きなのでとても楽しく描かせていただきました。この度はとても華やかな催しにお誘いいただいて本当にあリがとうこ'ざいました。 緊張で小さくなっておリますが、他の作家さんのイラス卜を拝見できるのがとても楽しみです。小さくなリつつ期待で膨らんでおります。 The situation in this picture is of two twin sisters, one of whom has forgotten her gloves. I am sure that after this they will wear one glove each and hold hands as they walk home. I like to draw twins and also girls with pale skin and hair so I enjoyed doing this very much. Thank you for inviting me to take part in this wonderful event. My nervousness has made me shy, but I am looking forward to seeing the illustrations produced by the other artists. I am nervous, but filled with anticipation. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255993 3016.1 toi8 toi8 迷子 Maigo (Lost) 前回の絵師100人展も参加させていただいたのですが、その時に描いた2人をまた描いてみました。 I took part in the Eshi 100 exhibition last year and this year I have chosen to use the same two characters again. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255992 3015.1 てんまそ Tenmaso 20012年灯籠の旅 20012 Nen toronotabi (20012 A Lantern Journey) 川へ流す灯菴は環境的に優しくなく、1万500年ほど前からは空へ流すようになリました。死者の魂は天の川へ放流され、星の海へと還リます。地球生まれは珍しく、いまや大抵の人にとって地球は還るべき海ではありません。今年は久しぶりに地球の上空にて行事が執り行われる年です。ちゃんと地球出身の巫女も見つかリ、儀式の準備はばっちリです。そして今回、これを読まれている貴方様にはとびきリの席もこ'用意致しました。ささ、こちらへどうぞ。人生でたった一度しか座れない本当の特等席になリます。_体何があったのかは知ったことではございませんが、1万と8000年もの長い間地球にしがみついて離れようとしなかったその魂を、今こそ宇宙に還してあけましょう。これでようやく母なる地球にこびリついた不浄を綺麗さっぱり消しさる事ができるのです。これでようやく母なる地球は再生することができるのですから。 In the old days people used to float lanterns down the rivers but this was not good for the environment so for about the last 10,500 years they have been floated out into space instead. The spirits of the dead float along the Milky Way and return to the sea of stars. Today it is rare to find somebody who was actually born on Earth so most people do not think of the Earth's oceans as being a place to which they should return. This year the ceremony is to be performed in the skies over Earth for a change. We found an Earth-born shrine maiden and our preparations are all complete. Furthermore, we have prepared special seats for all of you who are reading this. Please step this way. It is a truly special seat for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I have no idea why, but human souls have been clinging to Earth for 18,000 years and now is our chance to release them back to space. By so doing we will be able to cleanse mother Earth of its impurity and allow mother Earth to finally be reborn. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255900 3014.1 ていんくる TINKLE 梔子色の希 Kuchinashi iro no nozomi (Gardenia-colored Hope) こんにちは、ていんくるのせつなです。 第2回目の絵師100人展というこの場所で再び描かせていただけることをとても嬉しく感じておリます。 そして今回も「日本」というテ一マに描かせていただきましたが、前回は青をイメージの色にして日本の少女の僳さ、そして一瞬の美しさを描かせて頂きました。 今回はイメージカラーを黄色にして昔の日本の美しき黄金色の華やかで可憐な世界を表現しました。 そしてその一見華やかな世界の中で叶わぬ願いを想い続ける、黄金色の世界よリも美しい日本の少女の「一途な願い」という心が伝わリましたらとても幸せです。 Hello, my name is Setsuna and I am half of Tinkle. We are very happy to have been invited to take part in the Eshi 100 exhibition again. Once more we have used the theme of ‘Japan’ for our illustration. Last time we used blue as the base color to portray the transient aspect of Japanese girls, and their fleeting beauty. This time we have used gold as the image color to depict the beautiful, golden, flamboyant prettiness of old Japan. I will be very happy if you are able to catch an image of an unrequited wish amid what appears at first glance to be a world of gorgeous beauty and the ‘whole-hearted desire’ of a beautiful Japanese girl. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert