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255990 3012.1 司淳 TSUKASA JUN 狐面 Kitsune men (Fox Mask) 第1回に続いて第2回絵師100人展にも参加させていただけて凄く嬉しいです!今回のテーマは「日本の四季」という事で、本っ当〜に悩みました(汗)。でも悩んでいる間中ずっと脳内にあったのは狐のお面と浴衣(夏祭りのイメージ)と狐火でした。それを僕なりにどう料理するかでずっと悩んでいたのです。現実感の薄い夏祭り、森の中にひっそりと立つ鳥居と蛍の光のような狐火など、最後までどうしようか悩んだのですが、狐といえば僕の中で"狐の嫁入リ"と伏見稲荷のイメージが強かったので、これらをミックスした背景に仕上げました。 もちろん絵の千本鳥居は伏見稲荷ではなく、異界に通じる"門"として描いています。狐面の少女の後ろには狐の嫁入りの行列…狐の面を取って無言で振り返る少女は「これ以上ついて来ると帰れなくなるよ」と眼で警告しているかのようです。光る目でこちらを見ている狐面の方はこつちへおいでと誘っているようですが♪ I am delighted to have been invited to take part in both the first and now the second Eshi 100 Exhibitions! The theme this year is ‘The Four Seasons of Japan’ and I found it difficult to make up my mind what to draw (-_-;). However, all the time I was thinking about it I had an image in the back of my mind of a fox mask, yukata kimono (summer festivals) and foxfire. The problem was how to express these in my own way. A dreamlike festival... a torii shrine gateway standing in a forest, surrounded by foxfire resembling the light of fireflies... I could not make up my mind what to do, but my main images of foxes were the ‘foxes wedding procession’ and the Inari Shrine in Fushimi so in the end I decided to mix these two to create the background. Naturally the 1,000 torii in the rear of the scene are not really those belonging to the Inari Shrine, they are the gateway to another world. We can see the foxes' wedding procession behind the girl... she has removed her mask and is looking back with a warning in her eye, as if to say, ‘if you come any further, you will be unable to return’. The fox mask with the shining eyes is looking our way as if inviting us into its world. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255989 3011.1 中央東口 Chuuou Higashiguchi スプリング! Spring! 四季というテ一マで、昔から一度やってみたかったテ一マがあります。新緑萌えいずる春の若々しく、外的圧力に弱さを持つ印象、それを急速な成長で埋め合わせていくパワー。部屋の外に毎春見えるそんな光景が印象に強く、春という季節は自分にとって黄色がかった葉の色のイメージです。 そんなわけで、冬から開放され弾けた瞬間を絵にしてみたい、と。おかげでかなリ健康的過ぎる絵になりました。なってしまいました……。 良いですよね若さの力。いやどんな形にへし折ってくれようかとかそういうのじゃなくて。葉を透かして見える陽光の所為もありますけど、眩しくて目を閉じてしまいます的なそんな感じ。 The theme for this exhibition is the four seasons and there is a subject that I had wanted to draw for a long time. That is the feeling of youth, of fresh greenery budding in spring, an impression of weakness to external pressure but with the power of rapid growth to overcome it. This is how I feel every spring when I look at the view outside my room; for me, the spring season is summed up by an image of pale new leaves. That is why I wanted to draw a picture of this moment of release from the restraint of winter but as a result, the picture looks rather too wholesome. It just turned out that way... Isn't the power of youth great? I do not mean for the way in which it can be forced into any shape you like. It may be the fault of the sunlight shining through leaves, but it feels so bright that I am forced to close my eyes. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255899 3010.1 たにはらなつき Natsuki Tanihara 駆けだす季節 Kakedasu kisetsu (A Season to Run) 新しい1年の始まりは1月からですが、4月もまた新学期や新学年、新しい中学校や高校等の学校生活の始まりということで、希望や夢に満ちあふれた季節だと思います。『日本の四季』というテ一マを頂いた時に、そんな明るく未来を感じられる光景を描きたいと思い、描き始めました。桜のピンクと春の水色の空に、真っ赤なランドセルのコン卜ラス卜がとてもお気に入りです。見て下さった方が明るい気持ちになって「可愛いな」と思ってくだされば嬉しいなと思います。 The new year begins in January, but April marks the beginning of a new term or a new school year; it is the time when a new school life begins at junior or senior high school, and therefore I think of it as being a season filled with hope and dreams. When I was given ‘The Four Seasons of Japan’ as a subject, I wanted to depict a scene that would make people think of this kind of bright future and so I started to draw this. I particularly like the contrast between the pink of the cherry blossom, the blue of the spring skies and the red of the satchel.丨 will be very happy if the people who see this are put in a bright mood and think, ‘how cute’. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255988 3009.1 高野音彦 Otohiko Takano はるになるよ Haru ni naru yo (It Will Soon be Spring) 省エネ気取りでもないのだけれど、ここ2年ほどなんとなく夏も冬も空調を使わないことにしている。現代は季節感が薄れているだとか言うけれど、大概それは「薄れさせている」だけのことで、実際夏はきっちり暑いし冬の朝なんかはしびれるほど寒い。こんな暑さや寒さに憤慨するのはとても楽しくて、みすみすその機会を失うのは少し勿体がない。 季節の過ぎる様子は列車の窓から眺める景色のようなものだ。不意に現れた絶景をもうしばらく見ていたいと思ってもお構いなしに列車は走り続けてトンネルの中にだって入ってしまう。そうして乗客は車窓をぼんやりと眺め続ける。 四季の美しさの本質はそれが曰々移リゆくことにあるのだと思う。季節の変わり目は特におもしろい。さて願わくば、毎日の微かな移リ変わリを用心深く眺め続けるだけのちよつとした余裕がいつもありますように。 I am not pretending to be energy conscious, but for the last couple of years I have not used the air conditioning in either summer or winter. People say that recently they don’t really feel the seasons, but this is simply because they 'prevent themselves from feeling them’. In actual fact, summer is still extremely hot and winter mornings are cold enough to make you numb. It is very enjoyable to feel indignant about this heat or cold and it seems a waste to lose this opportunity. The passing of the seasons is like scenery that is watched through the window of a train. There may be a sight you would like to look at more closely but the train will carry on regardless, maybe even to enter a tunnel. When that happens, the passengers still remain gazing blankly out of the window. I believe that the true essence of the beauty of the four seasons lies in the way that they pass daily, never halting. It is when they actually change from one to the next, that is most interesting. If I had the choice I would like to have the time to watch these minute daily changes a little more closely. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255987 3008.1 タアモ Taamo 京都と舞妓さん Kyoto to Maikosan (Kyoto and Apprentice Geisha) 日本の四季というと紅葉がまず浮かびましたので紅葉にしてみました。 When I think of Japanese seasons, the first thing that comes to mind the autumn leaves so that is what I used. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255986 3007.1 瀬之本久史 Hisashi Senomoto 別離•出立•举の雪 Betsuri - Shuttatsu - Hana no yuki (Parting - Setting Out - Petals Falling Like Snow) 春は色んな人達が分岐点に立つ季節として大好きです。様々な場所で大なリ小なリドラマが生まれる時期だと感じているからです。今回のイラストは、1人の女の子がちっちゃい体のありったけの勇気を出して旅立つ様を描きました。背景は熊本人吉の大畑駅をモチーフにしました。実母が就職当時、宮崎から熊本へ半日蒸気機関車で揺られながら移動した際に立ち寄った駅で、桜の木が印象深かったと話していました。 I love spring, as it is the season that stands at a turning point in the lives of various people. I feel it is a time when dramas, large and small, occur in all kinds of places. In this year’s illustration I have portrayed a girl who has summoned up all the courage she possesses in her tiny body to set off on a trip. For the background I have used ‘Okoba’ station in Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture. When my mother left home to get a job, she traveled by steam train for half a day from Miyazaki to Kumamoto and this was the station where she paused for a rest. She says that the cherry blossom there made a strong impression on her. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255985 3006.1 絶叫 Zekkvou Summer Summer 日本の四季だと夏が好きなのでセ一ラ—服少女にしてみました。 Of Japan’s four seasons, summer is my favorite so I have chosen to depict a young girl in a sailor uniform. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255898 3005.1 鈴平ひろ HIRO.SUZUHIRA 降リ注ぐもの Furi sosogu mono (Falling Things) 四季を通して日本で降リ注ぐものを詰め込みました。本当は梅雨の雨もどこかに入れられたら良かったんですが…。 そしてモチーフの形の変化のさせやすさから夏は花火、冬は雪、春は桜、秋は紅葉と実際の春夏秋冬とは順序が変わってしまいました。とにかく四季を全部入れたかったという気持ちが先行したように思います。欲張リなのでどれか1つには絞れませんでした(笑) 日本の四季の表情豊かなところが少しでも伝わるといいなあ。 I have included all the things that fall on Japan through the four seasons. I only wish I had been able to include the rain that falls during the rainy season... In order to make it easier to meld from one motif to the next, I started with the fireworks of summer, then the snow of winter, the petals of the cherry blossom in spring and finally the red maple leaves of autumn, instead of using the proper order of spring summer, autumn and winter. I think that the important thing for me was to make sure all four seasons were included. I tend to be greedy and could not bring myself to focus on just one season (laughs) and I hope that I have succeeded in portraying the rich expression of Japan’s four seasons even a little bit. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255984 3004.1 すかぢ SCA-DI 紅と蒼 Beni to ao (Red and Blue) 京都大徳寺の竹林を歩いていて、ふと、もみじと竹林の強いコン卜ラス卜がある作品を描いてみたいと思いました。ですので本来ならばこの作品は『紅と碧』となるはずです。つまりもみじの「紅」と竹林の「碧」を主題とした作品です。 ですが実際描いてみると、蒼髪ともみじの紅だけで、かなリ画面が派手になリ、2色のコン卜ラストではないものとなつてしまいました。 仕方なく竹林は諦めて、蒼髪の少女ともみじを主題とした『紅と蒼』としました。 裸婦以外の立体感をなるべく殺し、影等も最小限にとどめ、色のみが浮き立つ様な手法を心がけましたが、言うは易し、行うは難し、なかなか思い通りにはならない様です。 I was walking through a bamboo grove at Daitokuji in Kyoto when I thought of producing a work that stressed the strong contrast between a maple and the bamboo. Therefore, this picture should really have been entitled, 'Red and Green’,in other words, the subject is the ‘red’ of the maple leaves and the 'green' of the bamboo. However, when I came to draw it, I found that just the blue-black of the girl’s hair and the red of the maple leaves created a sufficiently flamboyant effect, so I did not use the contrast of the two colors after all. As a result I gave up on the bamboo and just used the blue-black of the girl’s hair and maple leaves, giving it the title ‘Red and Blue’. I only applied a sense of depth to the figure of the naked girl, using minimal shading and relying on color alone to make her stand out. This is easy to say but difficult to do and I found it very hard to get the desired result. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255983 3003.1 末弥純 SUEMI.Jun 木花咲耶 Konohanasakuya 優しい楽の音と共に、春のおとずれと喜びをイメージしました。 This is an image of joy and the arrival of spring set to the sound of gentle music. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255982 3002.1 しろ Siro 雪の街の夕暮れ Yuki no machi no yugure (Sunset Over a Snow-covered Town) 日本はその面積の実に1/3近くが豪雪地帯に指定されているほど雪の多い国だそうです。 私は雪国生まれではないため、あまリ実感がないのですが、冬はいつも雪が舞うか曇っているか、そんな世界なのだそうです。 ですが私がそんな世界を旅行で訪れたときは珍しく空は晴れわたり白と青のコン卜ラス卜を見せてくれました。そして夕方になるとそのどこまでも見渡せる白い雪は曰の光で美しく黄色く輝いたのです。それはとても印象に残る光景でした。 そんな輝く世界の中、帰リの小さなロ一カル電車を待っていた時の思い出を絵にしてみました。 Japan has a lot of snow in the winter, one-third of the country being designated an area of heavy snowfall. I was not born in the snow country so I do not really know, but apparently in winter it is always cloudy and snowing, it is that kind of place. However, when I visited there on a trip, it was a rare clear day, the contrast between the blue sky and the white snow was wonderful and when the sun went down in the evening, everywhere I looked, the white snow shone with a yellow light. It was a sight that made a strong impression on me. It is the memory of waiting at the station on a local train line in the midst of this shining beauty that I used as the base for this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255897 3001.1 白羽奈尾 Nao Shirahane 四季と制服 Shiki to seifuku (Four Seasons and Uniforms) 季節と共に変わる制服を見たときふっと四季を感じますね。冬になるとかすかに聞こえる春の音。 春•夏•秋•冬の制服の少女を描かせて頂きました。 When I see the school uniforms changing according to the calendar, it makes me think of the four seasons. The faint sound of spring that can be heard in winter. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, I drew the various uniforms worn by schoolgirls during the course of the year. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255981 3000.1 Gユウスケ G Yusuke 海中登校 Kaichu toko (Underwater School Commute) テ一マが四季ということで、夏の海中の風景?です。 今回「青」の色彩に挑戦したぐあたってくだけろ〜の掛け声と共に見事、頭部粉砕。 返り討ちにあった気分です。いや、良い経験でした。 海の中の登校風景という「びっしょり絵」になりましたが楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 The theme is ‘the four seasons’ so this is a summer underwater landscape(?) For this work I tried working in blue, I charged headlong into it with a cry and ended up smashing my head. I feel as if I had the tables turned on me. It was a good experience. This view of going to school underwater ended up as a kind of bisshori (drenched) picture but I hope you enjoy it. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255896 2999.1 さより Savori 四季の華 Shiki no hana (Flowers of the Four Seasons) はじめまして、さよリと申します。 テーマが日本の季節だと聞いて、どの季節を選ぶか大変悩んでいましたが、やっぱりどれも捨てることができず、結局全部この1枚に詰めてみました。 というわけで季節の四肺妹です。左から三女、四女、長女、次女になっています。_緒に遊びたくて、誘いに来ています。 好きな季節で、好きな娘と一緒にお出かけしましよう! How do you do? My name is sayori. When I heard that the subject was to be the four seasons, I spent a long time worrying about which to choose, but in the end I could not bring myself to discard any of them so I fitted them all into a single picture. The result was the four season sisters. From left to right they are: the third youngest, the fourth youngest, the eldest and then the second eldest They have come to invite you out to play. Why don’t you go out with your favorite season, your favorite girl?! WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255980 2998.1 笛弘 SASAHIRO 十五夜ノ兎 Jugoya no usagi (The Hare of the Harvest Moon) 月とウサギにまつわる話はいくつかあリますが、私は「お月さまに行ったウサギ」が好きです。 ウサギは人間に生まれ変われなかったけれど、きっと月で幸せに暮らしていると思います。 今回の絵は"神様のきまぐれで少しだけ人間の姿にしてもらったウサギが十五夜を楽しんでいる"というイメージで描きました。 There are lots of Japanese folk tales concerning the moon and a hare but my favorite is The Hare that Traveled to the Moon,. The hare did not turn into a human, but I think that it lived happily ever after on the moon. The image depicted in this picture is of, 'hares, who have been turned into semi-human form at the whim of a god as they enjoy the harvest moon.’ WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255895 2997.1 桜沢いづみ ltu"mi sakurazawa 菌の空 Akane no sora (Red Skies) 絵師100人展第2回開催おめでとうございます、桜沢いづみと申します。 今回のテーマは日本の四季という事で、四季の中で一番大好きな秋をテ一マに描かせて頂きました。 日本を思い浮かべてぱっと思いつく色が赤や茜色なので、紅葉をメインに、赤や茜色を沢山使った絵に仕上げました。女の子は妖怪の猫又をイメージした猫耳つ子を描きました。 Congratulations on the event of the 2nd Eshi 100 Exhibition, my name is ltu”mi sakurazawa. The theme for this exhibition is ‘Japan’s four seasons’ and I drew this based on my favorite season, autumn. When I think of Japan, the first color that springs to mind is red or madder, so I drew this illustration featuring maple leaves and using lots of red and madder coloring. I based the girl on an image of cat-demon named Nekomata and have given her cat’s ears. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255894 2996.1 さくら小春 Koharu Sakura ひなまつリ Hina matsuri (Girls' Day Festival) 3月3日、桃の節句。 外はまだ寒く雪が降ることもありますが、部屋の中に雛飾りを置くとそこは春が訪れたように見えます。 桃の花、ひなあられ、菱餅、どれも色とリどリで見ているだけで暖かな気持ちになります。 そんな空気が伝われば良いなあと思いつつ描かせて頂きました。 我が家にはお内裏様とお雛様の2人だけの雛飾リしかなくてしょんぼりした気持ちと、立派なひな壇についている人形用のタンスへの憧れも少しだけ込めました。 March 3, Girls’ Day. It is still cold outside and sometimes it snows, but once the dolls' display been set up indoors, it feels as if spring has arrived. Peach blossom, sweet rice crackers, diamond-shaped rice cakes, all of them are brightly colored and bring a sense of warmth into the room. That was the kind of atmosphere I was trying to transmit when I drew this. When I was a child I only had two dolls,the Emperor and Empress, so when I drew this, it made me feel a little downhearted but I was also able to express my childhood dream of owning a magnificent display like this with miniature doll furniture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255893 2995.1 彩季なお Nao Saeki 春の精霊 Haru no seirei (The Spirit of Sprina) 緊張しながらも参加させて頂きました。 今回は日本に春を届けに来た、元気な精霊さんを描いてみました! きっと居ると思います…。 あとなんか応援しているようにも見えますので、ついでに「頑張れ日本!!」 I was very nervous about participating in this event. This time I have chosen to depict the happy spirit who brings spring to Japan. I am sure she exists... She seems to be cheering something so I would just like to add the subtitle, ‘Ganbare Nippon!’ WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255979 2994.1 駒都え一じ E-JI KOMATSU 夏のせせらぎとセーラー服 Natsu no seseragi to seirafuku (A Summer Stream and a Sailor Uniform) 個人的なイメージで、田舎風景にセ一ラ一服という構図が何か懐かしい和の印象があったので、渓流で戯れる娘さんという感じでまとめましたがいかがでしようか。 Personally, I find the image of a country scene and sailor unirorms to be both nostalgic and typical of Japan so I created this picture of two girls playing in a stream. What do you think? WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255892 2993.1 九尾 Kokonobi 迎え火の神様 Mukaebi no kamisama (Gods of the Welcome Fire) 真夏の午後の日差しを前に手も足も出せず、辟易としつつ悪態を付いてダレている迎え火の神様とそのお供達。お勤めは夕方からなので暑いのは……。 というかんじで「お盆」です。 詳しいことは分からないけど、「お盆といえばコレだよね」というくらいに、誰でも知っている割り箸付きの胡瓜と茄子。駅前のブロンズ像を破壊して自慢げに語る、あからさまにガラのワルそうな男の子であっても、踏んだり蹴ったりせずに普通に避けてしまうあたり、この脚付き胡瓜&茄子はタダ者ではないのでしよラ。 それから子供の仕草でしばしば見られる「突然何もない所を凝視して、しかも目線が何かを追っている(2人同時だったりすると、さらに破壊力UP)」、あるいは似たようなジャンルで、「何もないトコに向かっていきなリ全力で吠える犬」なんていうのもあリますが、今回はこの2つを材料に「日本の四季」を描いてみました。 大人には見えない「何か」があるのでは? ああいった場面に遭遇するとそんな妄想が膨らみます。 In the afternoon of a midsummer’s day, the god of the welcome fire and his attendant are so hot that they cannot move, they are sick of the heat and cursing. They do not start work until the evening so this heat... That is the general setting for this picture of ‘Festival of the Dead’. Even people who know nothing about the custom, all recognize the cucumber and eggplants with four wooden legs made from chopsticks as being symbolic of this festival. Even the boy who boasts of having broken the bronze statue in front of the station and who is obviously a delinquent will not stamp on or kick these, he recognizes that there is something different about them that stops him. If we look at children we see that sometimes they ‘suddenly start staring at something that cannot be seen, their eyes following it’ (the effect of this is even more powerful when two children do it simultaneously). Another similar phenomenon can be seen when dog will suddenly barks at something in a certain direction which is appears deserted. In this work I have combined these two elements to portray summer. Is there ‘something’ that cannot be seen by grownups? When you come across this kind of situation, it expands your imagination. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255891 2992.1 珈琲貴族 Coffeekizoku 晩秋の通学路 Banshu no tsugakuro (The Route to School in Late Autumn) 四季の中で秋が一番好きです。 燃えるような紅葉の中にはどこか静寂さや気品があって、日本独自の世界観があると思います。 それらは古くからある建造物にも活かされてきたのだと感じました。 今回のイラストは、紅葉の名所と呼ばれるような観光地にも、それぞれの曰常は存在しているんだよという1コマを引き継いで描いてみました。 Autumn is my favorite of the four seasons. The blazing red of the maple leaves creates a feeling of quietude and elegance that I believe is unique to the Japanese worldview. I think that this view had been utilized in buildings that have existed for a longtime. In this illustration I wanted to express the fact that tourist sites that are famous for their autumn leaves are also places where people live everyday lives. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255890 2991.1 こ〜ちや ko-cha 誘惑の秋? Yuwaku no aki? (Autumn's Allure?) 前回に引き続き参加させて頂きました、こ〜ちゃです。 今回は「日本の四季」ということで、以前テレビで海外の人に日本の四季を見せて反応を伺う番組をやっていたことを思い出しまして、特に海外の皆さんは秋の紅葉に驚いていたのが印象に残っておりました。 そんなわけで、日本ならではの季節の風景って紅葉なのかなと思った次第です。 個人的には制服を着た女子高生の皆さんも日本ならではと思ってるのですが、どろなんでしようかね? いやむしろこの絵自体は女子が肝だったリするわけでして、普段事情があってなかなか描く機会に恵まれない黒髪ロングな眼鏡さんが描けて幸せな感じだったりします。 右の子が持ってるものが下手すると焼きタケノコとかに見えてないだろうか?とかちょっと心配なのですが、大丈夫なことを祈ります。 ちなみに焼き芋です。 食べたいです。 Thank you for inviting me to participate again, my name is ko-cha. This time the theme is The Four Seasons’. I remember watching a program on the television which showed foreigners' reactions to pictures of Japan in different seasons and the thing that surprised them most was the red leaves of autumn. For this reason I felt that if I were to depict the season most typical of Japan, it would be autumn. Personally I believe that high-school girls in their school uniforms are also very Japanese, what do you think? Actually, the girls are the main subject of the picture, I seldom have the opportunity to draw a girl with long black hair and glasses for various reasons, so I am happy to have this opportunity. It is a difficult subject and if I am not careful, it may appear that the girl on the right is carrying roasted bamboo shoots. What do you think? I am a bit worried about it, but I hope it will be alright. (By the way, they are supposed to be roasted sweet potatoes.) I would like to eat some now. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255978 2990.1 小梅けいと Koumekeito 紅葉回廊にて Momiji kairo ni te (In a Red Corridor) 日本の四季というテーマで色々考えましたが、秋が一番好き、ということで焼酎を美女たちとちびちびやる想像に身を浸しつつ描きました The theme is ‘Japan’s four seasons’ and I gave the subject a lot of thought but autumn is my favorite season, so I imagined drinking shochu with a couple of beautiful women as I worked on this picture. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255977 2989.1 弘司 KOJI 楓姫 Kaede hime (Maple Princess) 四季がテ一マとの事で、色鮮やかな秋から雪の白さの美しい冬へと移り変わってゆく辺りの時期が特に好きです。 今回の絵のテ一マとしては、その中でも、よリ日本らしい風情を感じられる『秋の紅葉』を選びました。 春の桜の絢爛な美しさも綺麗で好きですが、紅葉の暖かな色は枯れ落ちてゆく流れの傻さも相まって、より複雑な心情を呼び起こされる気がします。絵として伝わリやすい情景や和装が良いかと悩みましたが、結局自分らしいイメージを表現するスタイルに落ち着きました。 The theme is the four seasons and my favorite time is when the bright colors of autumn are transformed into the beautiful white of snow in the winter. For this picture I chose to use ‘autumn maples’ as I think that this is the most typical of Japanese taste. The gorgeous cherry blossom of spring is also pretty and I like that too. However, I think that the warm colors of the maple leaves as they wither and fall represents the transience of life and brings forth more complicated emotions. I spent some time wondering what kind of view or kimono would best bring this out, but in the end I produced a work typical of my own style. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert
255976 2988.1 K+ K-tasu 桃から生まれた Momo kara umareta (Born from a Peach) 初めまして、K+(けいたす)と申します。今回このような素晴らしい展示会に参加できたこと、大変光栄に思います。 今回のイラストは、私が生まれ育った岡山の代名詞でもある「桃太郎」を題材に描いてみました。 桃太郎の物語には諸説があるようで、今でも論争が繰り広げられているようです。 その諸説の1つに桃太郎が女の子だったという説がありまして、私としましてもこの説をつよく推奨したいと思い、このイラストを描くに至りました。動機が不純な気もしますが、賛同者は少なくないと確信じTおリます。 さて、もっとイラストについて語リたいところですが、収拾がつかなくなリそうですので、このあたりで自重したいと思います。 コメントにまでお付き合いいただきありがとうございました。 またどこかで、イラス卜を通して再びお会いできれば幸いでこ'ざいます。 How do you do, my name is K-tasu. I am most honored to have been given the opportunity to participate in this wonderful exhibition. The subject for this picture is based on the story of Momotaro (Peach Boy), which originates from my home prefecture of Okayama is famous for. There are many theories concerning the origins of the story of Momotaro and it is still a subject for debate. One of the theories is that Momotaro was really a girl, and personally, this is the one I like best so I used it for this illustration. My motives are not entirely pure, but I am sure that a lot of people will approve. I would like to talk more about this illustration but I think I will lose control if I do, so I must be prudent. Thank you for bothering to read my comments. I hope that we will be able to meet again through my illustrations. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert