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255462 3223.4 鷹乃ゆき takano yuki (deleted) WtfCakes 03/24/24 Revert
255462 3223.3 鷹乃ゆき takano yuki WtfCakes 03/24/24 Revert
255522 3241.8 バーニア600 Vania600 放課後フェスタ Hdkaao festa (After School Festival) 「ぐ…こいつァ大物だぜ…!」 「先輩!変なの来たッス!!」 ‘Ah, this is a big one...!’ ‘Hey, look what’s turned up!!’ WtfCakes 04/20/16 Revert
255522 3241.7 バーニア600 Vania600 放課後フェスタ Hdkaao festa (After School Festival) 「ぐ…こいつァ大物だぜ…!」 「先輩!変なの来たッス!!」 ‘Ah, this is a big one...!’ ‘Hey, look what’s turned up!!’ WtfCakes 04/20/16 Revert
274326 3697.4 You shitty admiral! WtfCakes 01/26/15 Revert
210547 3106.2 鈴平ひろ HIRO.SUZUHIRA 霊峰桜盛 Reiho osei (Sacred Mountain and Cherry Blossom) 「曰本」をテ一マという今回のコンセプトから純和風以外で何か日本を表現できないものかと悩みつつ、春らしい色と萌え絵として違和感の無い仕上がりを目指しました。 一目でわかる日本的なモチーフは「桜」と「和装ロリ服」ですが、実は女の子も「富士山」をモチーフにしています。 タイトルでネタバレしないようにあえて「富士」は入れないでおいたのですが、絵だけで「富士山」を連想してもらえたら幸いです。 Having been given the theme of ‘Japan’ as the concept for this exhibition, I asked myself how I could portray Japan without resorting to traditional images and after much thought, I decided to combine the colors of spring and moe to produce a work that would come together in a natural fashion. The Japanese motifs of ‘cherry blossom’ and ‘Japanese-style lolita fashion’ can be recognized at a glance, but the outline of the girl simultaneously creates an image of Mt. Fuji. I did not use the word ‘Fuji’ in the title in order not to give away the trick, but I hope that you will be able to catch a glimpse of the image of Mt. Fuji when you see it. WtfCakes 10/02/13 Revert
255481 3267.4 憂姫はぐれ hagure yuuki 桜吹雪の金 SdKura fubuki no kin (Kin and the Cherry Blossom Blizzard) 今回「日本の一景」というテ一マで、真っ先に思い浮かんだのは桜のある風景でした。 とリわけ桜吹雪は華やかさと同時に傻さも感じさせる日本独特の風景ではないかなと思います。 というわけで、桜吹雪の代名詞のような方を描かせていただきました。 第3回開催おめでとうございます。 The theme for this year’s exhibition is ‘a Japanese scene’ and the first thing that sprang to mind was a landscape containing cherry blossom. It occurred to me that appreciation of the cherry blossom petals falling on the wind not only presents a glorious sight, but also its ephemerality symbolizes Japanese esthetics. Thinking in this way, I added the figure of somebody who is synonymous with this blizzard of petals. Congratulations on holding this event for the third time. WtfCakes 10/02/13 Revert
255481 3267.3 憂姫はぐれ hagure yuuki 桜吹雪の金 SaKura fubuki no kin (Kin and the Cherry Blossom Blizzard) 今回「日本の一景」というテ一マで、真っ先に思い浮かんだのは桜のある風景でした。 とリわけ桜吹雪は華やかさと同時に傻さも感じさせる日本独特の風景ではないかなと思います。 というわけで、桜吹雪の代名詞のような方を描かせていただきました。 第3回開催おめでとうございます。 The theme for this year’s exhibition is *a Japanese scene’ and the first thing that sprang to mind was a landscape containing cherry blossom. It occurred to me that appreciation of the cherry blossom petals falling on the wind not only presents a glorious sight, but also its ephemerality symbolizes Japanese esthetics. Thinking in this way, I added the figure of somebody who is synonymous with this blizzard of petals. Congratulations on holding this event for the third time. WtfCakes 10/02/13 Revert
255463 3228.3 鶴崎貴大 Takahiro Tsurusaki 不コミミー! Neko mimi! (Cat Ears) ネコミミ、昔は耳が大きいのが好きだつたんですが最近は小ぶリなのが好みになつてきました(*´∀`) Cat ears. I used to like large ears but recently I have come to prefer small ones (*´∀`) WtfCakes 06/22/13 Revert
255482 3271.2 6U☆ Rokuyu 水鏡桜景色 Suikyo sakurageshiki (Cherry Blossom Reflected in Water) はじめまして、6U☆(ろくゆ一)と申します。 日本には美しい景色が沢山あるのですが、桜景色が一番好きです。桜は出会いと別れの季節に咲く花なので特別な思い入れのある方は多いのではないでしょうか。 イラストについては、水面に映る桜景色を背景に日本を象徴するモチーフを色々詰め込んでみました。 How do you do? I am Rokuyu. Japan possesses a lot of beautiful scenes, but my favorite is that of cherry blossom. The season in which the cherry trees blossom is one meetings and partings so I believe that it must have special meaning for a lot of people. In this illustration I have created the reflection of cherry blossom in water together with various other uniquely Japanese things. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255542 3270.4 るろお LLO 羽音 Haoto (The Sound of Wings) 野鳥を見かけ、その大きさに驚きました。 長いこと都会に住んでいたので、野生の動物をみかける機会が少なく、少なからず衝撃を受けたので、そんなイメージを絵にしようと思いました。 I noticed some birds the other day and was amazed at their size. I have lived in the city for a long time so I have little opportunity to see wild animals; it was something of a shock to see them so I decided to use their image in my picture. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255541 3269.2 蘭宮涼 RAMIYA RYO 冬の北陸•東尋坊 Fuyu no hokuriku, tojinbo (Winter in Tojinbo, Hokuriku) 福井県の越前加賀海岸国定公園にある、奇勝•東尋坊。 柱状節理の断崖絶壁が美しい観光地です。 昔、東尋坊という名の悪いお坊さんを断崖から突き落として成敗した、という伝説から名付けられました。 「自殺の名所」として認識されている方が多いかも。 両親の実家が近くなので、子どもの頃は毎年行っていました。 冬の北陸といえば「越前ガニ」なので「力ニをバリバリ食べながら復活する東尋坊(なぜか早)」というイメージで描いてみました。 「夏のェチゼンクラゲにびっしり囲まれる東尋坊」ではあまりかつこ良くないので。 Tojinbo in Fukui Prefecture’s Echizen Kagakaigan National Park is a place of rare scenic beauty. The vertical, column-like cliffs are a beautiful tourist attraction. Legend has it that it was named after a corrupt priest, called Tojinbo, who was thrown from these cliffs as punishment for his crimes. There are probably a lot of people who know it as a popular place to commit suicide. My grandparents lived nearby so it was a custom for us to go and visit every year during my childhood. The Hokuriku region is famous in winter for its crabs so I drew this picture of Tojinbo (who for some reason has become a woman) eating crabs as she is reincarnated. I chose winter because ‘Tojinbo Surrounded by Nomura's Jellyfish in Summer’ would not make such a good subject. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255540 3268.2 よしづきくみち Kumichi Yoshizuki 初参 Hatsumairi (First Visit to the Shrine on New Year's Day) 巫女としてかリ出された同級生と、初参りに向かう自分(あなた)との偶然の同道。 鏡のように映り込んだ逆富士と夜星の組み合わせは年越しの空気に良く合う気がして描いてみました。 よく見ると道の先にチラと神社の鳥居も鎮座しています。 今年も「絵師100人展」に参加させて頂けて大変光栄です。 A classmate has been asked to act as a shrine maiden and you bump into her as you make your way to pray at the shrine in the middle of night on New Year's Eve. I think that the reflection of Mt. Fuji in the still waters of the lake and star- strewn sky make a perfect match for the atmosphere on New Year's Eve. If you look carefully you will see the torii gateway to the shrine at the end of the road. I feel very honored to have been invited to participate in the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition again this year. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255481 3267.2 憂姫はぐれ hagure yuuki 桜吹雪の金 SdKura fubuki no kin (Kin and the Cherry Blossom Blizzard) 今回「日本の一景」というテ一マで、真っ先に思い浮かんだのは桜のある風景でした。 とリわけ桜吹雪は華やかさと同時に傻さも感じさせる日本独特の風景ではないかなと思います。 というわけで、桜吹雪の代名詞のような方を描かせていただきました。 第3回開催おめでとうございます。 The theme for this year’s exhibition is *a Japanese scene’ and the first thing that sprang to mind was a landscape containing cherry blossom. It occurred to me that appreciation of the cherry blossom petals falling on the wind not only presents a glorious sight, but also its ephemerality symbolizes Japanese esthetics. Thinking in this way, I added the figure of somebody who is synonymous with this blizzard of petals. Congratulations on holding this event for the third time. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255539 3266.2 憂 Yuu 大和國之有栖 Yamato no kuni no arisu (Alice in the Sunrise Land) 一景は風景だけでなく、一興の意味も持ち、ちょっとした面白味や、奇怪なさまを表す言葉でもあります。着物姿の有栖と猫又、烏帽子妖狐に牡丹御前。12ヶ月を意味する花札のモチーフとあわせて奇怪な物語を描きました。¶洋風モチーフを和風モチーフに変換していく作業が、描いていてとても楽しい作品となリました。 A scene does not necessarily mean a landscape, it can also mean a performance—something interesting or strange. Alice in a kimono with the Japanese mythical two-tailed monster cat, a magical fox in a traditional hat and Lady Peony. I combined this with the traditional Japanese floral playing cards representing the 12 months to create a mysterious story. The process of replacing Western motifs with their Japanese counterparts made this work fun to carry out. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255538 3265.2 結川カズノ Kazuno Yuikawa 明日も明後日も雨だって Asu mo asatte mo ame datte (They Say it will Rain Tomorrow and the Next Day) どんよりした息苦しさも含めて、梅雨の景観は素敵だなと思います。¶紫陽花など変化するものをモチーフに選びました。 I love views of the rainy season, including the heavy, leaden skies. I chose a motif that changes, including the hydrangea flowers as they change color. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255537 3264.2 山本和枝 KAZUE YAMAMOTO 福笹授与 Fukuzasa juyo (Bestowing Lucky Bamboo Charms) こんにちは!初めて「絵師100人展」に参加させて頂きました山本和枝です。¶実は前回の02に遊びに来ていた時にお声をかけて頂き参加する運びとなりました。さて、今回のテーマは日本の一景ということで、私が選んだのは地元大阪の今宮の十日戎です。えびす様を奉り商売繁盛を祈願するこのお祭リは、商人の街大阪を表す伝統的な祭事と言っても過言ではあリません。¶特に福娘たちが縁起物の福笹を授与する姿は、なんとも可愛いもので、女性でも見とれてしまいます。今回はそんな祭事の1コマを絵にしてみました。笑顔の彼女たちから笹を受け取ると1年元気に頑張れます。時代の流れで十日戎の位置づけは変わって来ていますが、彼女たちの笑顔で皆が元気で頑張っていける世の中であリ続けてほしい。そんな思いを込めて描きました。 Hello, my name is Kazue Yamamoto and this is the first time I have taken part in the 'Eshi 100’ exhibition. The fact is that when I visited the last exhibition I talked with the organizers and was invited to take part this year. The theme for this year is ‘a Japanese scene' and so I chose to depict the Ebisu festival that is held at Imamiya Shrine in my hometown of Osaka. The shrine is dedicated to the god of commerce, Ebisu, and the festival is held to pray for prosperity in business so it can be said that this traditional festival symbolizes the mercantile city of Osaka. The image of the shrine maidens handing out the lucky bamboo charms is particularly pretty and even as a woman I find it most attractive. For this exhibition I have taken one scene from this festival to use as the subject of my picture. When we receive the bamboo twigs from these smiling girls, it provides us with the energy to work for another year. With the passage of time, the importance of the Ebisu festival has changed, but the smiling faces of the shrine maidens continues to provide people with the energy to keep going. It was with this thought in mind that I created this work. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255480 3263.2 やまかぜ嵐 Yamakaze Ran 黄昏の狐火 Tasogare no kitsunebi (Will o' the Wisps at Twilight) こんにちは、やまかぜ嵐です。 今年も「絵師100人展」に参加することができまして大変光栄です。 さて、今回のテ一マは「一景」ということで、日本の伝承のなかにある景色とじこ狐火を描きました。 日没直後の黄昏時はそういった怪異に出会いやすい時間らしいです。¶自分自身、そういった才力ル卜な出来事に出会ったことはないのですが、曰本にはそういった伝承がたくさんあって、これも日本の一景のひとつなのだと思います。 Hello, I am Yamakaze Ran. I am very honored to be able to participate in the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition again this year. The theme for this year is ‘a scene’ and I chose to illustrate a traditional scene that has been passed down to us; that of a will o’ the wisp, or 'fox light’ as it is called in Japanese. The twilight immediately following sunset is the time of day when people are most likely to come into contact with the supernatural. I personally have never come into contact with this kind of occult happening, however, Japan has a strong oral tradition describing events of this type so I think it is true to call it a ‘scene of Japan’. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255536 3262.2 ヤス YASU 秋葉原で迷子 Akihabara de maigo (Lost in Akihabara) 肺妹が秋葉原で迷って困ってる所をイメージして描いてみました。多分2人とも方向音痴なんだと思います。秋葉原の街並みの風景って何だか馴染みがあって良いですね。メイド喫茶めぐりとかしたいです。 The image upon which this picture is based is of two sisters lost in the Akihabara district of Tokyo. I think that they probably both have a poor sense of direction. I like the familiarity of the scenery of Akihabara. I would like to make a tour of some of the maid cafes there. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255479 3261.2 萌木原ふみたけ Fumitake Moekibara 雪の電話ボックス Yuki no denwabokkusu (A Phone Box in the Snow) 電話ボックスって少なくなリましたね。 携帯が当たり前の時代になって、いつか電話ボックスも見なくなっちゃうんじゃないかなと思います。レトロ感漂う存在になりつつあリます。 私からすれば、そんなただの電話ボックスもとても役立つ頼もしい存在だったのです。 冬の帰り道。日が暮れるのも早く、辺りはもう真っ暗。田舎の道だったので街灯もそんなに多くなく、途中、本当に何もない真っ暗な道がありました。寒いし、人もいないしで、不安になります。 そんな道の途中、ポツンと暗闇を照らして立っている彼がいるんです。 雪に埋もれそうになりながら、まるで私の帰リを迎えて待っていたかのような…。¶雪道を照らすその灯りは幻想的でもあり、暖かく優しいものでした。 The number of phone boxes has decreased dramatically in recent years. I think that as mobile phones become the norm, phone boxes might disappear altogether. They already have retro air about them. Even though it is only a phone box, to me it seems both useful and dependable. The road home on a winter’s day. The sun soon sets and the surroundings fade into darkness. It is a country road so there are not many street lamps, on one stretch there are no lights at all and it becomes pitch dark. It is cold, there is nobody about and you begin to feel uneasy. Suddenly, you see a light shining through the darkness and there it is. Half buried in the snow, it seems to be waiting to welcome you home. The light shining on a snowy road has a magical feel, it is both warm and gentle. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255535 3260.2 MIN-NARAKEN MIN-NARAKEN 舞華春桜 Maihana haruzakura (Dancing Petals of Cherry Blossom in Spring) 「絵師100人展」、第3回目の開催、本当におめでとうございます。 今回もお招きいただきまして大変嬉しく思っておリます。 四季折々の日本の風景一外から見た時に和を象徴するもの、として私はやはり、自分自身が最も好きな季節、「春」とそして「桜」に主題を置き描かせていただきました。 毎年、桜の咲く暖かな季節が来ると、柄にもなくぶらりと花を見になど行く私ですが、春という季節の何気ない日常にも、桜がひとひらその景色に舞うだけで、心を和やかにされるような…そんな気がします。 Let me offer my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the 3rd ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition and say how delighted I am to have been invited to take part once more. Looking from the outside at the scenery of the four seasons of Japan, I decided that I would use my favorite season, ‘spring’, and in particular 'cherry blossom', as my subject when I came to work on my illustration. Every year, as the weather warms up and the cherry blossom comes into bloom, I wander out to look at it, even though this is quite out of character for me. The sight of a single petal of cherry blossom, floating through an ordinary, daily scene, fills my heart with peace...that is how it feels. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255534 3259.2 美和美和 Yoshikaz(d)u-Miwa 書架の少女 Shoka no Sndio (Young Girl on a Bookcase) 初めまして美和美和と申します。何でも好きに描いていいとの事でしたので以前からモチーフにしたかった図書館をモチーフにしてみました。¶学生時代はろくに出席しないで隣の図書館に籠っては何でも手当り次第に読んでいた不良学生だった事を思い出していささか冷たい汗も渗みましたが。¶あまリ本を読まなくなっている昨今、久しぶりに春の陽気の中読書と洒落込んではみませんか? How do you do, my name is Yoshikaz(d)u-Miwa. I was told that I could draw anything I wanted so I chose the motif of a library that is a subject I had wanted to use for some time. Drawing it reminded me that when I was at school I rarely attended classes, preferring to sit in the library next to the school and read the books there; I was a bit of a delinquent student and thinking of this brought me out in a cold sweat. People don't seem to read so many books recently, wouldn't you fancy sitting in the warm spring sunshine for a good read sometime? WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255478 3258.2 ミヤスリサ Risa Miyas あきいろひとえ Akiiro hitoe (A Robe in Autumn Colors) 紅葉が色とリどリなのは日本だけというのを聞いて、うれしくなつたのでこのような感じになりました。 秋はお祭りも多いので、神様もいそがしそうです…。 あと、けっこうな厚着のはずなのですが、足がまるだしのせいで露出度が高い気がして若干恥ずかしいです。 きつねがにこにこしてるあたリがお気に入リです。 I heard that it is only in Japan that the autumn leaves create such a variety of color, this made me so happy that I drew this picture. There are lots of festivals in the autumn so the gods are kept busy... The girl is supposed to be wearing a lot of clothes, but perhaps due to her exposed legs, she seems to be showing a lot of skin, making me a bit embarrassed. I like the way in which the foxes are smiling. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255533 3280.1 MITAONSYA MITAONSYA おかあさんの鏡台 Okasan no kyodai (Mother's Dressing Table) 母の日が近いので、母にちなんだお品を描きました。 家の鏡台というと母のこれしかないので、私が身支度する時はかならずこの鏡台を使わせて貰いました。 引き出しの中のブラシや櫛、髪飾リや化粧品は子供の頃の自分にとっては憧れで、こっそリロ紅を使ったりした事もあリました。こ'めんなさいおかあさ ん…。>< 引き出しにかわいいものや綺麗なものをきゅうきゅうにしまっておいて、毎日身支度の時に引き出しを開けて眺めて楽しいのが良いと思います。 あと春なのでおひなさま飾リと和装で。 和装用の紐類が好きなので沢山散らかしました。 好きなものを沢山描けて楽しかったです。 ありがとうございました。 It will soon be mother’s day so I decided to draw something relating to my mother. The only large mirror we had in the house was the one on my mother’s dressing table so I used it whenever I was getting ready to go out. The drawers of the dressing table were filled with brushes, combs and hair decorations, as well as various cosmetics. As a child these fascinated me and I would sometimes use her lipstick in secret. (Sorry mom... ><) The drawers were stuffed full of cute or pretty things, so I think it is fun to open the drawers when getting dressed everyday and looking at the contents. As it is spring, I have also included a reflection of a girls’-day doll and accessories in the mirror, together with a kimono. I particularly like the cords that are used when wearing a kimono so I have included lots of these too. I enjoyed drawing lots of my favorite things. Thank you very much. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255477 3257.2 水沢)朵森 mizusawa mimori 菜の花と桜と君と。 Na-no-hana to sakura to kirni to (Rape, Cherry Blossom and You) はじめまして、水沢深森と申します。 この度は素敵な機会にお招きいただきあリがとうこ'ざいます。 「日本の一景」がテ一マということで、大好きな桜と菜の花の風景を描かせて頂きました。1年の間でも数週間という短い間だけしか見られない風景ですが、その分とても思い入れがあります。 日差しの眩しさと暖かさ、春が来たという高揚惑を少しでも盛り込めればいいなと思いながら描かせて頂きました。 How do you do? My name is mizusawa mimori Thank you very much for offering me this wonderful opportunity. The theme is ‘a Japanese scene’ so I have drawn a picture featuring cherry blossom and rape flowers, both of which I really like. It is a fleeting sight that can only be seen for a few weeks every year but that makes it all the more precious to me. Bright sunlight and warmth, I drew this in the hope that I would be able to express something of the uplifting feeling of spring. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255476 3256.2 みさくらなんこつ Misakura Nankotsu このはしわたるべからず Kono hashi watarubekarazu (This Bridge Should Not Be Crossed) 筆ペンで描いたら日本画っぽくなるかな?とおもったら、最近の筆ペンって優秀で、ふつうのペンみたいに線がひけるのね!結果、いつものイラストとあんまかわらなくなっちゃいました!あはは〜★ 女の子の格好は、花魁と、AKB48っぽいアイドル衣装をまぜたらこんなかんじ?とおもってかきました。少女よ、かなしみのはしをこえてゆけ! I wondered whether using a brush pen would give the finished work the appearance of a traditional Japanese painting. Recently brush pens have improved a lot and it is possible to draw a line with them just like an ordinary pen! As a result, the finished picture does not differ much from my usual illustrations! Oh well... I think that if 丨 were to mix the clothing of an old-time courtesan with the costume of a singing idol, like the members of AKB48, it would look something like this. What do you think? Girls, move forward and cross the bridge to get over your sadness. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255475 3255.2 深崎暮人 Kurehito Misaki Overpass Overpass 歩道橋。日常の一部に溶けこんでしまって忘れがちですが、交通暈が多い日本にはかかせない存在になっていると思います。利用する事は少ないかもしれませんが、歩道橋に登って見下ろす光景には普段見慣れた街並みとはまた違った一面が垣間見る事が出来ます。 前回、「絵師100人展02」で寄稿した作品が気に入っているので、今作も連動した作風にしてみました。お楽しみ頂けると幸いです。 A footbridge. These melt into the our everyday consciousness and are easily overlooked, but with Japan’s crowded streets, I think that they are vital structures. I do not use them very often, but when I do, I find that the view from the top offers me a glimpse of the town that is completely different to the one I am accustomed to. I liked the work I created last year for ‘Eshi 100 02’ very much so I utilized the same style in this year’s illustration. I hope that you enjoy it. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255474 3279.1 Mitha Misa 紅葉の舞 Momiji no mai (Maple Dance) こんにちは。Mithaと申します。 「日本の一景」というテーマですが、自分の中で秋の季節の巫女さんが浮かんだのでそれを絵にしてみました。 赤く燃えるような紅葉を背景に、舞い踊る巫女さんはとても和風で美しいと思うのですがいかがでしよう? 和服はけっこう難しくて描くのが大変なのですが、煌びやかな雰囲気を感じて頂けたら嬉しいです。 Hello, my name is Misa. When I heard that the theme was to be ‘a Japanese scene’ the image of a shrine maiden in autumn immediately sprang into my mind. With a background of blazing red maple leaves, I feel the dancing shrine maiden represents an image of Japanese beauty. What do you think? Japanese clothes are complicated and difficult to draw, but I will be satisfied if I have been able to transmit the gorgeous atmosphere of the scene. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255473 3254.2 みけおう MIKEOU 夏色の階段 Natsuiro no kaidan (Staircase in Summer Colors) 「絵師100人展03」開催おめでとうこ'ざいます。 みけおうと申します。 1回目、2回目と春の景色を描かせて頂いたので、今回は夏の景色にしてみました。 久しぶりに帰省した田舎の神社の夏祭り、幼馴染の女の子と一緒におでかけ…しばらく見ない間に浴衣の似合う素敵な女の子に成長していて、ドキドキしながら神社の階段を登っています。 これから2人の間には何かありそう…!と想像して頂けるような絵に仕上がっていれば嬉しいです。 Congratulations on event of the ‘Eshi 100 vol.03’ exhibition, my name is MIKEOU. During the first two exhibitions I drew illustrations depicting spring so this time I decided to use summer. The scene is a visit to a summer festival during a trip back to your hometown, you go there with an old school friend and notice that during the time you have been away she has grown into a beautiful woman who looks really elegant in a summer kimono. You start to climb the steps to the shrine, with your heart racing... It looks as if this might lead to something more...! That is the kind of feeling I tried to portray when I worked on this illustration. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255532 3253.2 〇蜜柑 Marumikan Fragrant Lolours Fragrant Colours 「日本の一景」。さて何を描くか。一歩も海外に出たことのない自分には、「日本」はあまりに当然の環境。貧しい知識をかき集め、埃まみれの記憶を迪リ、Google先生Wikipedia先生にお尋ねし、万策尽きて机の周りを見回し……「これぞ日本!」なんてものは現代生活では存外なかったリ。和服も着ませんし2食に1食はパン。呆然と眺めたブラウザの画面に映る文字•文字•文字。名前の通リ漢字は輸入品ですが、加工しているうちに別物になっちゃったひらがな。輸入加工は日本のお家芸だそう。手塚先生だって、ディズニーから大影響を受けて今まで続くマンガの骨組みの1つを作リ上け'。マ一ジナルだったものが広まったってのもマンガに通じる?漢字とかなの関係を、マンガでの絵とセリフの関係になぞらえたり。古今〜スマホ。広がる妄想……そんな1000年以上前にできたものを、今時の女の子たちも使ってる、そんな「日本の一景」。いかがでしようか。 ‘A Japanese scene’. What was I to draw? Never having set foot outside the country, ‘Japan’ was too natural an environment. Dredging up my limited knowledge, dusting off hoary memories, referring to professors Google and Wikipedia, I was at my wit’s end when I looked around my desk and realized that there was nothing in my daily life that was uniquely Japanese, that made me exclaim: ‘that’s it! That’s Japan!’ I never wear a kimono and I eat bread with half my meals, but gazing at the browser on my computer, all I could see was writing, writing, writing. Of course, as the name suggest, the Chinese characters came from China, but these were adapted in Japan to create a phonetic script— hiragana. Adopting and adapting things from abroad is a characteristic of the Japanese. Even the great manga artist, TEZUKA Osamu, was strongly influenced by the work of Walt Disney when he created the framework for the manga genre that exists to this day. Something that was initially marginal but later spread into general use shares a lot in common with manga. The relationship between Chinese characters and hiragana can be said to resemble that between the pictures and dialogue in manga. Past and present—smartphone. As my idea grew, I realized that something that was invented 1, 000 years ago was still being used by young girls today, and was therefore ‘a Japanese scene’. What do you think? WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255472 3252.2 まみた mamita やくしまのみこ Yakushima no miko (A Shrine Maiden from Yakushima Island) WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255531 3278.1 MATSUDA98 MATSUDA98 いとおかし Ito okashi (Very Tasteful) 和菓子と苺大福をイメージした女の子を描かせていただきました。 和菓子は日本ならではの素材である水飴や小豆等を使用した伝統的なお菓子です。 上品な甘さでそれぞれの季節を表現した見ためはとても可愛らしく、伝統的でありながら常に新しいものを取り入れる様がとても日本らしく、女の子らしいのではないかと思い、このような絵になリました。 絵の和菓子は上から春夏秋冬になっており、下の方は春へと戻っています。¶また伝統に現代の要素を入れ、和菓子をドット状に置いたリ髪をピンクにしたり、着物も遊びのある模様にしてみることによっておかし(お菓子)とおかし(面白い)のダブルミ一ニングを狙いました。 I have drawn a picture of a girl based on the image of Japanese cakes and rice cakes with strawberries inside. Japanese cakes are made using traditional ingredients, such as starch syrup and adzuki beans, etc. They possess a refined sweetness and are created in shapes that symbolize the different seasons, making them look really cute. They are traditional while always incorporating something new, making them typically Japanese, and I feel that they have a very feminine appearance. This is how the picture turned out. The cakes depicted in the picture start with spring at the top then move through summer, fall and winter before returning to spring again at the bottom. I also added some contemporary elements to the traditional motif, placing the cakes in a pattern of dots, giving the girl pink hair, while also giving the kimono an amusing pattern, creating a play on the Japanese word ‘okashi’ which means both ‘cake’ and ‘strange’. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255530 3251.2 茉崎ミユキ Miyuki Matsuzaki ノスタルジア Nostalgia 夏休みのお盆。 親戚一同が祖母の家に集い、大人たちの後ろで、子供は外で遊びまわり、川遊びしたり、花火したり、スイ力食べたリ…。夏を満喫するイベントとなっておりました。その懐かしくも暖かい昔の日々が思い出深く、今回描かせて頂きました。 日本は高齢化社会になったと言われており、平均寿命も世界トップクラスですが、ただ単にお年寄りの人口が多いということだけでなく、お年寄りにとてもパワーがあるのが特徴的だと思います。そして慈愛的で家族を大切に見守るような存在も、「日本のおばあちやん」の代表格です。 私の祖母もそのような存在であリ、今の自分を形成しています。 またおばあちゃんの作ったフルーツポンチ食べたいなあ。 The Festival of the Dead during the summer holidays. The whole family used to gather together at our grandmother’s house, the children played behind the grown-ups, going down to the river, setting off fireworks, eating watermelon... It was an event that allowed us to enjoy summer to the full. I became filled with nostalgic memories of the past as I drew this illustration. It is said that Japan has developed into an aged society and that the average lifespan of the population is one of the highest in the world, but this does not simply mean that the elderly make up a large percentage of the population, I believe that it is also characterized by the fact that they have great energy, as represented by the ‘Japanese grandmother’ who lovingly cares for the whole family. My grandmother is that kind of person and it is she who has made me what I am today. I want to eat some of the fruit punch my grandmother makes some day soon. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255471 3250.2 ポルリン Porurin 馬籠宿 Magomejuku (Magomejuku Village) 今回のテーマは「日本の一景」ということで大変悩みました。何を持って曰本とするか、一景をどのようにするか。そこで注目したのが昔ながらの日本の景観を保っている場所、そこで馬籠宿を選択しました。馬籠宿とは中山道の43番目の宿場です。石畳の敷かれた坂に古風な家が立ち並び、その姿は昔からの日本を思わせました。 また絵師という言葉も中山道と同じく江戸時代からある表現で、現在の道に続いている趣が、今企画のコンセプトと近い繫がリを感じましたので「昔ながらの日本の一景に現代の女の娘が観光に来ている」ということで今回のテ一マを表現しました。 猫は馬籠宿へ取材に行った時に寄ってきたので描きました。 The theme for this year’s exhibition is ‘a Japanese scene’ and I spent a long time thinking what to draw. What makes a scene Japanese? What makes a scene? That was when I thought of using a place where traditional scenery has been preserved and I finally settled on the village of Magomejuku. This was the 43rd station on the Nakasendo Highway that was one of the main routes linking Kyoto and Edo (Tokyo). The hill is paved with stone and lined with traditional buildings, presenting an image of old Japan . The word ‘eshi’, like the name of the Nakasendo, dates back to the Edo period (1603-1868), and the appearance of this road fits in well with the concept of this exhibition so I settled on the theme of ‘contemporary girl tourists visiting the scenery of old Japan’. The cat is one that came up to me when I visited Magomejuku to prepare for this work. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255529 3249.2 ぽよよん♡ろつく Poyoyon♡Rock 銭湯娘 Sento musume (Girl in the Public Baths) 日本らしくて、日本にしか無い風景…まだ私の家の近くにはあるのですが、大きいえんとつの銭湯さん。その中にある今を代表するスカイツリー♪そして失われつつあるすく水〜過去と今のコラボレーションなのれすう〜(^-^)ノ☆ A scene that was typically Japanese and could only be seen in Japan...there is still one near my house, a public bathhouse with a tall chimney. I have included the Sky Tree, a symbol of modernity♪ and one of those school bathing costumes that are rarely seen today; past and present collaborating to create this picture (^-^)ノ☆ WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255470 3248.2 べっかんこう Bekkankou なつやすみ Natsuyasumi (Summer Holidays) 『日本の一景』というテーマを頂いて、何を描こうか色々考えていた時にふと心に浮かんだのが、子供のころ遊びに行った川の風景でした。たぶん子ども会のキャンプか何かだと思うんですが……細かいディテ一ルは全然覚えていないのに、その時の空気感だけは今でもはっきりと思い出すことが出来ます。そんな懐かしい空気を少しでもこのイラス卜から感じていただければ幸いです。 ‘A Japanese scene', that was the theme I was given and after thinking of various things to draw, the scene of a river where I played as a child suddenly sprang to mind. I think that I probably went there for a camp organized by the neighborhood children's association, I do not remember the details, but I can still visualize the atmosphere of the place to this day. I hope that I have succeeded in transmitting something of its nostalgic atmosphere in this work. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255469 3247.2 フミ才 Fumio 巫女と銀杏 Miko to icho (Temple Maiden and Ginako Leaves) 靖国神社で見た銀杏吹雪がとても美しかったので、この題材にしました。 I witnessed a shower of gingko leaves at Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine and it looked so beautiful that I decided to use it as the subject of my illustration. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255528 3246.2 広江礼威 REI HIROE our japan our japan こちらでは初めまして。 日本の一景という事で色々考えたのですが、美しい幻想的なものよリあえて煮詰まったファス卜風土的地方の光景しかないのではないかと思い、こういつたイラストとなリました。 楽しくない上に空気読まないイラス卜ですみません。 この年代の子達こそ、不透明な時代の中で不利な戦いを余儀なくされてる世代なので、エールという意味合いも込めてます。 背景は最初シャッター商店街を想定していたのですが、色合い的にはコンビニエンスストア等の明るい色合いが欲しく、最終的には郊外の派手なゾ《チンコ屋を選びました。 This is my first time to participate in this exhibition. Faced with the theme of a Japanese scene, I thought of various things, but rather than use a beautiful, fantastic setting, I felt that a view of the empty uniformity structural recession has created in the suburbs would be more to the point and this illustration is the result. I apologize that it is not a fun image and the situation is difficult to understand. Children belonging to the current generation are forced struggle at a disadvantage in a time when the future remains unclear and this picture is meant to offer them encouragement. I had initially meant to use the closed shutters of a shopping street as a background, but from the standpoint of color, I wanted something bright, like a convenience store, so in the end I settled for a pachinko parlor. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255527 3245.2 樋上いたる Itaru Hinoue 散歩路 Sanpomichi (Promenade) 今回も参加させていただきまして、あリがとうございます! テ一マが「日本の一景」でしたので、かなり描く前に悩みました。最近はあまリ着物を着ている方を見かけないのですが、日本らしく着物で着飾って散歩するという日常もあってもいいのではないかという思いから自分なリに描いてみました。 Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to take part in this event again! The theme is ‘a Japanese scene’ and I thought about it for a long time before I decided on a subject. You do not see many people wearing kimono these days, but I thought that it would be a very Japanese thing if people were to put on a kimono to go for a walk during their daily lives and so I drew this picture in my own style. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255526 3244.2 曰陰影次 Hikage Eiji 少女と猫とタコヤキと Shojo to neko to takoyaki to (A Girl, a Cat and Takoyaki) 放課後、友達と帰り道にタコヤキとジュースを愉しむ女の子達。 授業という名の試練を乗リ越え、そのご褒美の時間が今日もやってきた。そんな情景を描きました。 放課後、友達と買い食いした帰り道。黄昏色の町を歩きながら、どうでもいいことで盛り上がったり。そんな何気ない日常が眩しいほどの思い出として蘇ります。 そんなノスタルジィを皆様へ。 それはそうと、なにか食べてる女の子ってとっても魅力的ですよね? A group of girls enjoying some takoyaki and a soft drink on their way home from school together. Having survived the ordeal of school, they are now rewarded with some free time. This is the scene that I depicted. Buying some food and eating it on the way home after school, the town is filled with the golden light of sunset as we became excited over nothing in particular. These casual moments come back to me most vividly and I wanted to share this nostalgia with you all. That being said, don’t you agree that girls look particularly attractive when they are eating something? WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255525 3277.1 p19 p19 桜を見ながら Sakura o minagara (Watching the Cherry Blossom) はじめまして、pl9と申します。 テ一マが「日本の一景」でしたので、桜をモチーフに描かせて頂きました。 日本の桜は本当に綺麗ですね。 職人さんが頑張ってみんなの笑顔のために育ててくれていると思うと、温かみを感じます。 女の子が一緒に遊んでほしそうにこちらを見ています。よければ遊んであげてください。 How do you do? My name is pl9. The theme this year is ‘a Japanese scene’ so I have used the motif of cherry blossom. Japanese cherry trees really are beautiful. It gives me a warm feeling to think of the way in which they have been carefully raised by gardeners in order to bring a smile to everybody’s face. The girl is looking this way as if she wants to play. Please feel free to play with her if you like. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255524 3243.2 晚杯あきら Vampirekiller あかいきつねさん Akai kitsune-san (Red Fox) こんにちは、晚杯あきらと申します。 前回の「絵師100人展02」に引き続き、今回の03にもお誘い頂けとても嬉しく思います! 前回02の時に描かせていただいた狐さんなのですが、愛着があるので今回03のイラス卜にも再び登場して頂きました。 Hello, I'm Vampirekiller. I am delighted to be invited to take part in ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition again, after having participated in the second event last year! I have become quite attached to the fox I drew for the second exhibition so she has appeared again this time for the third one. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255523 3242.2 八宝備仁 HAPPOBIJIN 飛翔 Hisho (Flying) 美少女くの一が、厳島神社の鳥居を飛び越さんばかりに、空高くジャンプしている様子を描きました。社会、経済共に混乱が続く祖国日本、今年こそ飛躍の年であって欲しいという叱咤激励の意も込められております。真の意味で"勺一、レジャ/\°ン"と呼ばれるような国になつてほしいです。 This picture depicts a beautiful, young, girl ninja, who has jumped so high that she can almost fly over the Torii gateway at Itsukushima Shrine. Our mother-country, Japan, continues to suffer from social and economic distress and I drew this as a way of encouraging the country to make a great leap forward this year. I want it to become a nation worthy of the name ‘cool Japan’. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255522 3241.2 バーニア600 Vemier600 放課後フェスタ Hdkaao festa (After School Festival) 「ぐ…こいつァ大物だぜ…!」 「先輩!変なの来たッス!!」 ‘Ah, this is a big one...!’ ‘Hey, look what’s turned up!!’ WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255521 3240.2 西中康弘 Yasuhiro Nishinaka Snow Festival! Snow Festival! 私の日本の一景は、生家のある北海道最大のお祭り「さっぽろ雪まつり」です。¶1年の内半分近く雪が舞う北海道では、雪と戯れる事は身近な情景でもあリます。 今シーズン北海道は吹雪で多くの被害が出ておリますが、心よリお見舞い申し上げます。 My ‘Japanese scene’ is that of the ‘Sapporo Snow Festival’ which is held in Hokkaido, where my family live. It snows for almost six months of the year in Hokkaido and a scene of people playing in the snow is one with which that I am very familiar. This season blizzards have caused a lot of damage in Hokkaido and I would like to express my condolences to the people living there. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255468 3239.2 ななろば華 Nanaroba Hana 何処でだって、あたしロリータ! Doko de datte, atashi rorita! (No Matter Where I Am, I Remain a Lolita!) 様々な日本らしいシーンを思案いたしましたが、自分の経験とリンクさせる事が一番自然に描けるのではと思い、今回の絵となりました。 「ロリータ服」に近いお洋服をまとった少女を日頃から好んで描いておりますが、今回は思いきリ現実に引き寄せて「田舍でロリータファッションを貫く少女のワンシーン」を表現してみました。 私自身新潟の田舎で成人まで過ごしており、10代の頃ロリータファッションを好んでいた時期なんてまさにこんな感じ。家で武装をし、田舎から町の中心部に皆で集まったものです。ロリータ服で田舎道を闊歩する事はなかなか情熱が必要でした。 今も田舎でこのような光景が存在するのかは分かりませんが、私が経験した風景を1人でも多くの方に「あるある!」「見た見た!」と共感して頂けたリ、楽しんで頂けたら幸いです。 最後に。このような素晴らしい場にお呼び頂き、あリがとうございました! I initially considered various different Japanese scenes, but I thought the most natural thing would be to draw something that was linked to my own experiences and this was the result. I enjoy drawing pictures of girls wearing Western clothes that are almost 'Lolita costumes', and this time I thought that I would do something a bit more realistic and create ‘a scene of a young girl who persists in wearing Lolita fashions in a rural area'. Until I grew up I lived in the countryside of Niigata Prefecture and there was a period during my teens when I liked Lolita fashion, just like the figure in this picture. I dressed up at home then set off to the centre of the local town where I would get together with my friends. It requires a great deal of enthusiasm to walk through the country dressed in Lolita clothes. I do not know if this kind of scene can still be witnessed in the countryside today, but I have depicted an image from my youth in the hope that people will think, ‘I did that!’, ‘I’ve seen that!’, sharing my experience and getting enjoyment from it. In closing I would like to thank the organizers for giving me the opportunity to participate in this event. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255467 3238.2 七尾奈留 Naru Nanao 黄昏の芒 Tasogare no susuki (Susuki Grass in the Twilight) 「絵師100人展」では前回、前々回と春、夏の絵を描いてきたので、今回は秋にしたいと思い、曰が暮れた後に月明かりに照らされて、朧げに浮かび上がるススキ野原の中に佇む白い狐さんをイメージしてみました。前2作は曰常の風景的な感じだったので、今回は幻想的な雰囲気にできればなぁと。 タイ卜ルは与謝蕪村という江戸時代の俳人さんの 「山は暮れて野は黄昏の芒かな」 という秋の句からいただきました。 The subject of my picture for the last ‘Eshi 100’ was set in summer and the one before that was spring so this time I decided to use autumn. It is based on the image of a white fox, lingering on a plain covered with susuki grass, dimly illuminated by the moon after the sun has gone down. The last two works were of everyday scenes so this time I thought I would try something more fantastic. The title has been borrowed from the haiku poem by the Edo period poet, YOSA Buson: ‘Darkness gathers on the mountains, while twilight covers the susuki of the plains’, WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255466 3237.2 なつめえリ Eri Natsume サイダ一と赤レンガ Saida to akarenga (Soda and Red Brick Walls) 「東京駅が2階建てから創建当時の3階建てに戻され、戦後に改変された部分は取り壊され、当初の姿そのままに復原された」という内容を読んだ時、最新の技術で昔の姿に戻った東京駅をなんとも日本らしい、と思ったのを覚えています。 新しいものを作リ出しながら古い物も大切にしていく、という精神もそうなのですが、新しい街並みの中に神社が自然に建っていたり、現在の時間に過去の時間がいりまじっていてごちゃっとしたおもちゃ箱のような、押入れの中のようなそんなうまくいえない何でもアリ!でまぜこぜな風景がなんだか日本らしいなあと私は思うのです。 普段は気が付かないけれどふと振り返ったら色々な時代のものが主張しあっていて、でもうまく調和してくるくる廻りながらそこにある。 懐が深くて賑やかで忙しない様で落ち着いてる様なそんなイメージが表現できていたらいいなあ。 ‘The two-story Tokyo Station building has been restored to three stories, and the modifications that were added after the war have been removed to return it to its original form.’ When I read this, I remember thinking how typically Japanese it was to use the very latest technology to recreate the old appearance of Tokyo Station. Treasuring the old while creating the new is another example of this kind of spirit, as can be seen from the appearance of a traditional shrine in the midst of a modern, urban landscape. The present mixed with the past. A confusion of different things, like a toy box or a cupboard where everything has been crammed in! That is my image of a typical Japanese scene. Although we are usually not aware of it, things from various different periods all assert their presence while harmonizing with each other. I hope that I have been able to create an image of generosity and bustle within a busy, yet relaxed, atmosphere. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255520 3236.2 なぐも。 Nagumo. 寿司くいねえ! Sushi Kuine! (Eat Sushi!) なぐも。と申します。「絵師100人展」参加させていただきありがとうございます。 漫画やゲームソフ卜、アニメ情報番組などのキャラデザなどやっております。 最近回転寿司屋に行くことがとても多いんです。 今ハマっているのは甲イカ。イカっていうと真イカやヤリイ力なと'、ねっとリとした食感をイメージされると思うのですが、この甲イカってのはその「ねっとり」が無く、プリッ、サクッ、という実にサッパリとした全く違う食感でして。 これがまた美味しいんです。大抵のお寿司屋に置いてあるので、ぜひこ'賞味あれ。 My name is Nagumo. Thank you for letting me participate in the 'Eshi 100’ exhibition. My job is to design characters for manga, game software, anime information programs, etc. These days I often go to conveyor belt sushi bars, My favorite fish at the moment is golden cuttlefish. When people hear the word cuttlefish, they generally think of common cuttlefish or spear squid that have a viscous consistency, but golden cuttlefish is completely different, it does not have the same ‘viscosity’, instead it has a crisp, crunchy texture that is quite refreshing. It is absolutely delicious and nearly all sushi bars stock it, so please give it a try. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255519 3235.2 Na-Ga Na-Ga 寒稽古の温もり Kangeiko no nukumori (A Touch of Warmth During Midwinter Training) 日常の1コマを描いてみようと思い、それでいて少しだけ日常ではない風景をと模索して今回のイラストを描かせていただきました。 武道などの修練の一環とじT最も寒い時期、最も寒い時間帯に行う、主に精神锻錬を主眼とした古くからの稽古の風景に、日本ならではの紅白のカラーバランスを少し意識していれてみました。厳しい環境下で自らを高める……とはいえ、そこに優しさがあってもいいよねと思い、風邪をひかないようにとお姉ちゃんは妹にマフラ一をかけて2人、修行の時間を過ごしています。 I thought I would illustrate a scene from everyday life, then groping for a way to make the image slightly unusual, I produced this illustration. One of the disciplines practiced by adherents of the martial arts is to undergo training during the coldest season, at the coldest time of the day; this has been done since ancient times as a way of strengthening the spirit. I decided to illustrate this scene, incorporating the typical Japanese color contrast of red and white. Even when striving for self- improvement under grueling conditions, I feel that there is still room for a little kindness, so in this picture I have depicted the elder girl as having wrapped a scarf around her younger sister’s neck as they both carry out their training. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert