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255518 3234.2 中島零 Rei Nakajima 片想い Kataomoi (Unrequited Love) 写真で切り取った一瞬の風景、そういった一景の積み重ねで人間は出来てるのかなと思う事があリます。 でも、そのシーンも、誰が撮っても同じにはならないのかも。撮る人の視線によって、優しくも、暖かくもなるのではないでしようか。 A fleeting view that has been cut out and preserved through photography, I think that it is the total sum of various scenes like this that creates a person’s character. However, a scene will not look the same if it is captured by somebody else. Depending on the person who captures it, a scene can become gentle or warm. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255517 3233.2 なかじまゆか Yuka Nakajima 真夏の縁側にて Manatsu no engawa nite (On the Verandah in Midsummer) 日本の一景、と聞いて真っ先に思いついたのが、真夏の縁側と正月のお宮参りでした。 この絵を描いたのは冬の寒い時期で、早く暑い夏が来ないかな、という私の願望が入っております。 夏休み、田舎の祖父母の家に遊びに来た孫と友達、という感じで描きました。 When I heard the theme, ‘a Japanese scene’ I immediately thought of a verandah in midsummer and visiting a shrine on New Year's day. I drew this illustration in the cold depths of winter and it expresses my longing for the heat of summer to come again soon. The scene depicts a girl who has come to visit her grandparents in the country with her friends. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255465 3232.2 トモセシュンサク SHUNSAKU TOMOSE 朝のバス停 Asa no basutei (Morning Bus Stop) 日本の風景というテ一マでぼんやリ考えてましたら僕の育ってきた地元の山が思い浮かびました。 小富士と言われていて、形のいい山でした。 ひっそりとした田舎で山と田んぼしかないところでしたが、都会に出てきた今、たまに無性に帰りたくなります。 Thinking idly about the theme of a ‘Japanese scene’, an image of the mountain near my hometown sprang to mind. It was a beautiful mountain known locally as kofuji or ‘Little Fuji’. It was deep in the countryside with nothing but mountains and rice fields surrounding it, but now I have come to the city, I sometimes feel a strong desire to return. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255516 3231.2 toi8 toi8 さくら Sakura (Cherry Blossom) 今回で3回めの出典になります。いちおう同じ世界観で描いているのですが、気づいてくださってる方はいるのでしようか。 This is the third time I have entered my work in the ‘Eshiten 100’. I have continued to depict the same worldview each time and I wonder if anybody has noticed. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255514 3230.2 てんまそ Tenmaso ウェイス卜ランド•イッボンマツ Weisutorando ipponmatsu (A Solitary Pine Tree Amid a Wasteland) 昔ここらで大きな地震があってね 直後の大津波で沢山の人が亡くなったって そんな中、力強く流されず耐えた一本松を 復興の象徴として人工的に保護したんだ 特定の信仰を持たなかったこの国の人達は いつしかこの一本松を信仰の象徴として より強く、より大きく 何物よリも優位の存在であるべし、と…… 結果、この一本松はあるべき植物固体の枠から外れた何かとして、今もここにある これを造った彼らは死んだ これを信仰した彼らも死んだ ここいらの土地に伝わる昔話さ。 ほんとの話かもしれないけど、いまいち信用できないね。そんな馬鹿げた信仰をするような連中がこんな凄いものを造れたとは、私には到底想像がつかないから。 It is said that there was once a great earthquake, Followed immediately by a tsunami that killed lots of people. A single pine tree withstood the powerful currents and was later artificially preserved as a symbol of regeneration. The people of this country did not have any particular religion, but over the years, this solitary pine became a religious symbol, people prayed that it would become stronger, bigger, and take predominance over all things. As a result this solitary pine become more than simply an individual tree and remains here to this day. The people who created it have all died. The people who worshiped it have all died. This is a folk tale that has been passed down in this area. It may be true, but it is hard to believe. I cannot imagine that people who would follow such a ridiculous religion could make something as amazing as this. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255464 3276.1 ていんくる TINKLE 胡蝶の夢 Kocho no Yume (Butterfly Dreams) こんにちは、ていんくるのはるかぜせつなと言います。 今回で3回目を数える「絵師100人展」ですが、再びこの場に参加させていただけることを大変嬉しく思っておリます。 今回のテ一マは「一景」ということですが、鑑賞に値する美しい風景とは世界中にいくつもあるとしても、私にとって本当に美しい一景というのは、この世の現実の景色ではなく、この世の世界と夢の世界の境目にあるのではと思ったので、その境目であるまさに「胡蝶の夢」の世界を描きました。 この景色を見ることはきっと叶うことはないでしようが、何時の日かこの世界を目にする事が出来たら良いなと思います。 Hello, I am Harukazesetsuna of Tinkle. This year marks the third time the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition has been held and we are delighted to have been invited to take part again. The theme this time is a ‘scene’, and although there are lots of beautiful views in this world worthy of appreciation, to me the most beautiful scene does not exist here, but rather on the border between this world and the world of dreams. For that reason, I have drawn a picture of the land of ‘Butterfly Dreams’ that is situated on this borderline. I would love to be able to see this landscape someday but I doubt I ever will. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255463 3228.2 鶴崎貴大 Takahiro Tsurusaki 不コミミー! Neko mimi! (Cat Ears) ネコミミ、昔は耳が大きいのが好きだつたんですが最近は小ぶリなのが好みになつてきました(*´∀`) Cat ears. I used to like large ears but recently I have come to prefer small ones (*´∀`) WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255513 3227.2 津路参汰 tsujisanta 名所東京百景美女入浴の図 Meisho tokyo hyakkei, Bijo nyuyoku no zu (One Hundred Famous Views of Tokyo — Picture of Bathing Beauty) テ一マが「日本の一景」ということで、日本と言えば温泉美女!と即決しました。でも普通の温泉美女だと物たリないなあ…などと身悶えしている時、偶然にも歌川広重の「名所江戸百景萬年橋」の吊るされた亀を目にして、エロい!これだ!!と勢いで仕上げたイラストです。富士山、温泉、スカイツリー、桜、日本酒…色々入れ込みました。そして亀…ああ、なんというエロスでしようか。きっと浮世絵「萬年橋」で放流された亀の子孫が恩返しに来たのでしよう…。 The theme for the exhibition is ‘a Japanese scene’ and when I think about Japan the first thing that comes to mind is beautiful women in hot springs! I made up my mind to use this motif without a moment's hesitation. However, simply a picture of a woman in a hot spring is somewhat lacking in interest, and I was struggling to think of something else to add when I happened to see UTAGAWA Hiroshige’s ‘One Hundred Famous Views of Edo: Mannenbashi’, which showed a turtle hanging from a string. It was erotic, it was what I was looking for and with no further ado, I completed the picture you can see here. Mt. Fuji, a hot spring, the Sky Tree building, cherry blossom, sake; I added lots of Japanese elements. And then there is the turtle—ahh...what eroticism. It is probably a descendant of one of the turtles set free from Mannenbashi Bridge that has come back to show its gratitude. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255512 3226.2 司ゆラぎ yuuki tsukasa 夜桜月華 Yozakura gekka (Nighttime Cherry Blossom in the Moonliaht) どうも初めまして。司ゆうきという者です。 今回は絵師展という大きなイベントに誘って頂きありがとうこ'ざいます。 何を描こう、と思った時にやはリ自分の好きな物がいいと思い、先ず、テ一マの日本の季節は桜が舞い散る春がいいな…などと考え、次に日本と言えば和服。…巫女さんとかいいな一、でもそれだけじゃ物足りないので和の異形な何かと絡めたいな、と思って鬼の鎧武者っぽいのを組み合わせてみました。 そんなこんなで妄想を膨らませていった結果、こんな感じの…人外さんが混じるような絵になりました。 観て頂いた皆さんにこの2人の関係や生い立ちを色々想像して貰えたら嬉しいな、と思います。 個人的には、巫女さんが妹で、武者がお兄ちゃんです。 How do you do, my name is yuuki tsukasa. Thank you for inviting me to take part in a major event like the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition. When I thought about what to draw I decided that I would use the things that I like best: first, I decided to use spring as the theme with falling petals of the cherry blossom, then it being Japan, it needed a kimono. A shrine maiden would be good... but that alone still left something to be desired, I wanted a variant on the Japanese scene and decided to add a demon in full armor. The various ideas grew until they crystallized in this the end it included a non-human character. I hope that the people who see this picture will give some thought to the relationship between the two people depicted here and their background. My personal view is that the shrine maiden is the younger sister of the armored figure. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255511 3225.2 司淳 TSUKASAJUN 紅乙女 Kurenai otome (Girl in Red) 第1回から「絵師100人展」に参加させていただいて、早いものでもう3度目になります。 第1回がくノ一、第2回は狐面と何かしらの幻想的要素を入れて描いたのですが、今回はごく普通の少女と紅葉を描かせていただきました。というのも今回のお題は「日本の一景」という事で、何を描こうかと考えた時に頭の中で美しく彩づいた紅葉の中で佇む少女のイメージが1つの景色として浮かんできたんです。もちろん頭の中では少女の周りの紅葉は絶え間なく降り注ぐように動いていて、その一場面を写真に撮って切り取るように描いたつもりです。この絵を見た皆さんが同じように、真っ赤な紅葉が舞い落ちる中で少女の横顔を見つめている気分になっていただけたら嬉しいです…(^^) I have taken part in the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition since its inception and already it is in its third year. For the first exhibition I drew the image of a woman ninja, in the second I combined a fox mask with elements of fantasy, so this time I have chosen to draw an ordinary girl against a background of maple leaves. The reason is that when I thought about this year’s theme, ‘a Japanese scene’, the image of a young girl standing among the maple trees flashed across my mind. Of course, in the picture I visualized the red maple leaves falling around her endlessly, so I made a visual snapshot of the scene and recreated it here. I will be very happy if all of you who see this work will feel as if you are looking at the profile of a real girl standing amid the bright red falling leaves...(^^) WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255510 3224.2 千葉サドル Chiba Sadoru だるま Daruma (Dharma) 「絵師100人展」には初めての参加となります。あリがとうございます!テーマから、だるまや招き猫が並んでいる風景が思い浮かんだので、縁起が良さそうな絵にしてみました。 This is the first time I have participated in the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition. Thank you for offering me this opportunity! When I heard the theme, I immediately thought of tableau containing Dharma dolls and a row of lucky cats, so I decided to draw this auspicious scene. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255462 3223.2 鷹乃ゆき Yuki Takano 竹林の奥にて Chikurin no oku nite (In the Depths of the Bamboo Grove) 初めまして、鹰乃ゆきと申します。 この度は素敵な企画にお招きいただき、あリがとうございます! 「日本の一景」がテ一マとのことで、竹林をモチーフに描かせていただきました。 竹林の独特の静かな空気が好きなので、少しでも雰囲気が出ていれば嬉しいです。 和菓子を食べながら、ゆったりした時間を過ごしたいなという思いを込めてみました。 How do you do? My name is Yuki Takano. Thank you very much for inviting me to participate in this wonderful event! The theme is ‘a Japanese scene’ and so I have used a bamboo grove as my motif. I love the quiet atmosphere that exists in bamboo groves and I hope that I have been able to transmit something of this feeling through the illustration. It expresses my wish to be able to relax and eat some Japanese cakes. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255461 3222.2 高野音彦 Otohiko Takano ゆきのはな Yuki no hana (Snow Flower) もう10年以上、乱杭歯のように並ぶコンクリートの建物に囲まれて東京に住んでいる。慣れこそしたもののこの雑然とした風景は一向に好きになれなし、。 私の世代だとかなり珍しいと思うのだが、小学校に上がる前まで実家の建物が茅葺き屋根の古い家だった。幼少期のぼんやリとした記憶の中でもあの屋根の柔らかい輪郭ははっきり覚えているし、家が建て替えられて瓦屋根になった時はなんだか落胆したように思う。 一方でこの東京の景色もまた何十年か何百年もすると今は想像もできないような素材や形状の建物に置き換わって行くのだろう。その時誰かがかつての無計画なコンクリー卜の町並みを思い出しノスタルジーに浸るのだとしたら、少しの優越感を感じないでもない。 景色は変わっていく。失われたものへの寂寥こそが時間を越えて共有し得る「日本の風景」の正体なのだとすれば、寂しいようなそれで良いような。 I have been living within the snaggletoothed concrete skyline of Tokyo for more than ten years now. Despite having become used to it, I cannot learn to like the chaotic scenery here. I think that it is unusual for someone of my generation, but until I started primary school, I lived in an old farmhouse with a thatched roof. My memories of that time are a bit vague now, but I still recall the soft outline of the roof, and when the house was rebuilt with a tile roof, I think I was rather disappointed. On the other hand, I think that Tokyo's scenery will also undergo a huge change over the course of the next few decades or centuries, with buildings made in shapes and of materials we cannot even imagine today. It gives me a slight feeling of superiority to think that when that happens, there might be people who feel nostalgia towards today’s unorganized concrete landscape. The landscape continually changes. If the desolation people feel for what they have lost is the true form of ‘a Japanese landscape that surpasses time, then I think that is sad, although maybe it is for the best. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255460 3221.2 高階@聖人 Masato @Takashina Happy Ever After. Happy Ever After 「日本の一景」がテーマということで、神前で行われる結婚式、「神前式」の1シーンです。 先日、友人の結婚式に参列してきました。旧知の友人がお嫁さんを貰い、家族を持つというのは実に感慨深いものでした。 その時の、何もかもに祝福された、晴れやかな様子が少しでも伝わればと思い描かせて頂きました。 The theme was ‘a Japanese scene’ so I decided to use the image of a Shinto wedding. I recently attended a friend's wedding. I was quite moved by the thought that an old friend of mine should receive a bride and start a family of his own. I drew this illustration in the hope that I could transmit something of the blessed, colorful atmosphere of the event. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255509 3220.2 絶叫 zekkyou デスクトップガールズ Desukutoppu garuzu (Desktop Girls) 毎日触るものを描いてみました! 左からペンタブレツ卜さん、モニタ一ちやん、PCくんです。よろしくね! I drew something that I come into contact with everyday. From the left they are: Miss Graphic Tablet, Miss Monitor and Miss PC. Say hello to the girls. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255459 3219.2 鈴平ひろ HIRO.SUZUHIRA 輝く夜 Kagayaku yoru (Shining Night) 今回のテ一マ「ふるさと」を描くにあたり、色々と考えはしたのですが、東京生まれの東京育ちの身としては実感のこもった故郷像は思い浮かばず。代わりに日本最古といわれる物語「竹取物語」の月に還るかぐや姫をイメージの下地にして描いてみました。 単純に月という故郷へ帰っていく物語も然ることながら「竹取物語」を月からやってきた美少女の創作小説、と考えたら、現在の萌えブームにも繫がっているような気がしたからです。 そして日本人ならば誰しもが月には郷愁を感じるのではないかなと思います。 In drawing the theme for this exhibition, ‘hometown’, I thought of lots of different things, but as somebody who was born and raised in Tokyo, I have no image of a rural hometown. Instead I decided to base my picture on the story of the Tale of the Bamboo-Cutter’, which is said to be the oldest story in Japan, and which describes how a princess has to return to her home in the moon. Although it is basically a story about returning to the moon, the Tale of the Bamboo-Cutter’ can be described as novel about a beautiful young girl who came down from the moon and I felt that in this respect it had a lot in common with the current moe boom. In addition, I think that all Japanese people have nostalgic feelings about the moon. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255508 3218.2 末弥純 SUEMI.Jun 鎮守の杜 Chinju no mori (The Holy Forest) 現世と幽世の端境、そこは神域o神が棲む場所。巫女さえも履き物を脱ぎ素足でしか立ち入れない。深い深い巨木の森が、その聖域を守つている。 景というテーマでしたので、日本らしい緑豊かな森をモチーフにしました。 The borderline between this world and the afterlife is the realm of the gods. It is where the gods dwell. It is a place where even the shrine maidens remove their shoes to enter and walk barefoot. A deep forest of ancient trees protects this sacred ground. The theme for this exhibition was a ‘Japanese scene’ so I used the typically Japanese motif of a green forest. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255507 3217.2 しろ siro 山の上の朝日 Yama no ue no asahi (Dawn on a Mountain Summit) 日本は世界でも珍しく、山の上からでも街が見渡せる国だそうです。¶海外での山頂からの景色はどこまでも続く砂漠や山脈など味気ないものが多いそうです。 狭く、山だらけの国という不便さ故に生み出された光景は実に複雑で美しい箱庭的な光景を作り出してくれています。 景色に人工物があることがこれほどまでに景色に彩りを添えるのは、厳しい自然の中にも安堵させられる見知ったものが見えるからなのでしようか。 こと、朝に山々から漏れる光の筋に照らされて光る水田と街は実に美しいものです。 そんなまばゆい光の彩る景色の中、暖かい光を感じながら山小屋の前をゆるやかに散策し、これからの1日に思いを巡らせる時間は何物にも代えがたい素敵な時間なのです。 Japan is unusual in that you can look out from the top of a mountain and see a birds-eye view of a city. In most countries, the views from mountaintops are quite bland, comprising simply of deserts or mountain ranges that stretch as far as the eye can see. Being a small, mountainous country, Japan can be quite inconvenient, but at the same time, it provides complicated, beautiful scenery, resembling miniature gardens. The existence of manmade things adds color to a scene and because we are used to seeing them, they brings us a sense of relief when we spot them in the midst of nature’s harshness. In particular, the rice fields and towns extremely beautiful, illuminated by beams of morning sunlight, shining through the mountains. Looking out at the scenery in dazzling sunlight, enjoying the warmth of the sun’s rays as you take a short stroll outside a mountain lodge, thinking about the day to come, this is one of the best experiences you can have. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255506 3216.2 白羽奈尾 Nao Shirahane 狐の嫁入り Kitsune no yomeiri (Fox's Wedding) WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255458 3215.2 茨乃 sino 傷 Kizu (Sentiment) もしも願いが叶うなら、あの曰の君に会えますように。 今ここにいる人、もうどこにもいない人。 誰かが会いたいと思ったその人はそんなこととは関係無しに、あの曰、あの時にしか、もう二度と出会えないのかもしれない。 どうしようもない、けど暖かくて眩しい、そんな『傷』を描いてみました。 If my wish could come true, I would like to meet you as you were on that day... People who are here, and those who no longer exist. Although you may wish to meet somebody, they will have no way of knowing and you will never see them again after that day, at that time. This cannot be helped, but I tried to express that warm and dazzling ‘sentiment’. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255505 3214.2 Gユウスケ G Yuusuke へっぽこ陰陽師 Heppoko onmyoji (The Clumsy the Ying-yang Master) Gユウスケと申します。「絵師100人展」第3回の参加、とてもうれしいです。¶絵の説明をしますと、奥の狐の妖怪を祓うため颯爽登場!!陰陽師、とここまでは良かったが、あっさリ狐に負け最終的には狐に弟子入りします。 頭のキジは式神です…むか一し、昔の「日本の一景」…かな? My name is G Yuusuke. This is the third time I have participated in the ‘Eshi 100’ and it makes me very happy. To explain the picture, a ying-yang master has burst upon the scene to exorcise the demon fox that can be seen in the background! So far so good, but she is soon defeated by the fox and ends up as its apprentice. The pheasant on her head is a shikigami, a kind of familiar spirit. I suppose this can be described as being an old, old ‘Japanese scene’. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255457 3213.2 笹井さじ Saji Sasai 祝いの曰 Iwai no hi (Celebration Day) はじめまして、笹井さじと申します。 テーマ「日本の一景」ということで、七五三の風景です。 私自身子どもの頃、この「ハレ」の日がとても待ち遠しく嬉しかったことを記憶しています(着物を着せられたリお化粧をされるのは恥ずかしかったです が…)。 そんな懐かしさを感じながら、描かせて頂きました。 この度はこのような企画にお招き頂き大変光栄に思います。 ありがとうこ、ざいました! How do you do? My name is Saji Sasai. The theme was ‘a Japanese scene’ so I decided to use an image of the Shichigosan festival that is held in November. I remember that when I was a child I looked forward very much to this day of ‘celebration, (although I was a bit embarrassed about wearing a kimono and makeup). I was filled with nostalgia as I drew this illustration. I feel most honored to be invited to take part in this kind of event. Thank you very much! WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255456 3212.2 桜沢いづみ ltu"mi Sakurazawa 梅の花咲く神社と拍犬 Ume no hand Sdku jinja to komainu (Plum Blossom and Guardian Dog at a Shrine) 「絵師100人展03」開催おめでとうございます! この度も参加させて頂けましてとても嬉しいです、桜沢いづみと申します。 今回のテ一マは「一景」という事で、何を描こうか色々迷いつつ、身近にある神社と梅の花をテーマに描かせて頂きました。 手前の犬耳の女の子2人は、神社を守る泊犬を擬人化して描いてみました。¶泊犬は向かって右側にロを開いた「阿形」、左側にロを閉じた「呼形」が配置されるそうで(例外もあるようです)、阿形の子を活発そうな子に、呷形の子を無口そうな子にイメージして描きました。 Congratulations on the event of ‘Eshi 100 vol.03’ exhibition! I am very glad to have had this opportunity to participate once more; my name is Itu” mi Sakurazawa. The theme this year is ‘a scene’ and it took me a long time to decide what to draw, but eventually I settled on the image of a nearby shrine when the plum trees are in bloom. The two girls I drew in the foreground with dog-ears are personifications of the shrine’s guardian dogs. Guardian dogs are generally depicted with the one on the right having its mouth open and the one on the left with it closed (although there are exceptions), and so I have depicted the girl on the right as being lively and the one on the left as quiet. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255455 3211.2 さくら小春 Koharu Sakura 実りの秋 Minori no aki (Harvest Season) 日本の秋は実りの秋。 紅葉が艷やかに景色を染め上げて、美しさに目を奪われます。¶旬の食べ物も非常に多く、見て食べて楽しめる。 日本の秋は魅力が満載です。 Autumn in Japan is harvest time. The autumn leaves paint the scenery red and yellow, their beauty fascinating the eye. Numerous foods are in season so we are able to look, eat and enjoy. Autumn in Japan is a season full of attractions. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255504 3210.2 小嶋ララ子 LALAKO KOJIMA 外浦海岸とフアンタジア Sotourakaigan to fantajia (Sotoura Beach and Fantasia) 伊豆半島にある外浦海岸の世界はノスタルジーにあふれています。人も、町も、草も、石段も、ただただ穏やかで美しく柔らかで、白い砂浜にエメラルドの海面はさながらファンタジーアニメのようでした。 少女たちの夏休みが目まぐるしく冒険的で、だけど少しだけ優いのは、やがて将来のことや恋愛のこと、家族のことなど、接触していかなければいけない「これからの未来」が、少女達の柔軟な無責任さをあっという間に食い尽くすとわかっているからなのでしょう。 戻リたいな、戻れないな、それを永遠に心のどこかで繰り返しながら、少女たちは海岸の上で奔放に歩いていくのです。 Sotoura beach on the Izu Peninsular is a place that is filled with nostalgia for me. Everything—the people, the town, the grass, the stone steps, the quiet, beautifully soft, white sand and the emerald blue sea, all of them resemble something from a fantasy anime. Summer vacations are hectically adventurous for young girls, but they are also a somewhat ephemeral. This may be because they are aware that thoughts of romance, of their families, their future, will rob them of their spontaneous innocence before they realize it. ‘I want to return to those days, but there is no going back'...this is something that young girls will repeat in their hearts forever, as they freely along the beach. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255454 3209.2 九尾 Kokonobi 島渡しの司 Shimawatasni no tsukasa (Priestess in Charge of Island Crossings) 島々にそれぞれ祀られている神様は、通常そこから勝手に何処かへ出かけることはかないません。 そこでとある神様が、祀られている社こ'と水牛車に運ばせれば島から島へ渡ることができるのでは?と考え、生まれたのが「島渡しの司」です。 天井に星空を視かせる宵藍の傘は、古謡にも謳われる音に聞こえたニライ力ナイの一 …すみません今考えました。 皆さんも則丨染みのない外国にあらぬ想像をした経験があるかと思います。¶例えば…そうです、外国人が考えたニンジャ!!アレです。 という訳で、これは多分に妄想の入った沖縄チャンプル一的「おとぎばなし風」イラストです。「水牛に直座り?」とかその他諸々はナシの方向で〜。 Difrerent gods are enshrined on different islands and usually they are unable to travel elsewhere. One of the gods thought that if its shrine were to be placed on an water buffalo cart it would be possible to travel from island to island. This gave rise to the 'priestess in charge of island crossings'. The dark blue umbrella with the night stars on the inside comes from the famous mythical Utopia, called Ninai Kaniai, that exists over the sea is sung of in ancient songs...sorry, that is something that I just made up. I am sure that you have all tried to imagine what it would be like in some distant country you know nothing about, for instance, the way that foreigners try to imagine ninja!! That sort of thing. This illustration probably resembles that, just a mixed up fantasy like an Okinawan chanpuru, a kind of ‘fairy tale’. Sitting astride a water buffalo?! Don’t think too much about this or the other elements in the picture. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255453 3208.2 珈琲貴族 coffeekizoku 冬のバス停と少女達 Fuyu no basutei to shojotachi (Girls Waiting at the Bus Stop in Winter) 前回、前々回の「絵師100人展」のイラストから、今回も世界観と季節を引き継がせていただきました。どこかにあるかも知れない、温泉の湧く谷にかかる橋が舞台なのですが、そこが通学途中の場所でもあります。温泉地に行くと意外と日常的に見られる光景で、さすが日本が世界有数の温泉大国と言われるだけのことがあるのだと思いました。温泉は個人的には硫黄臭がする方が好きで、さらに濁っていた方がもっと好きなので、この温泉橋下に湧く温泉はさぞかし良い泉質のものでしよう…そんな温泉が自宅の横にある日突然湧かないものかと思つてこの絵を描いていました。それではまたお会いしましよう。 As with my illustrations for last year and the year before’s ‘Eshi 100’, this work combines my personal worldview and the seasons. I do not know where it is situated, but the scene depicts two girls on their way to school, waiting at a bus stop on a bridge over a valley with a hot spring resort situated in it. This kind of unexpected scene is quite common in areas containing hot springs and typical of a place like Japan that is renowned for its number of hot springs resorts. Personally, I like the sulfurous odor of hot springs and prefer those with cloudy water, I am sure that the hot springs below this bridge will be good ones...while I was drawing this, I thought how awesome it would be if this kind of hot spring were to suddenly appear next to my house. I look forward to seeing you again. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255452 3207.2 こ〜ちや ko-cha 花より団子 Hana yori dango (Dumplings Rather than Flowers) 古き良き「純和風」と言うよりは、現代つ子が自分なリに日本の伝統を楽しんでいるような感じにしてみました。そもそも風貌からして日本人じゃあリませんよねこの子。もしかしたらワビサビなんて、よくわかつてないのかもしれませんが、桜キレイ!お団子才イシイ!つて楽しめるなら、それでいいんじやないかな?という感じでこ'ざいます。 This work is not a purely Japanese scene, rather it shows a modern young girl enjoying Japanese customs in her own way. To begin with, she does not even look Japanese. She might not even understand the Japanese love of subdued refinement, it is simply that the cherry blossom is so pretty! The dumplings are delicious! And she is enjoying herself. What more could she need? That is what I have tried to express. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255451 3206.2 小梅けいと Koumekeito 松尾様と娘杜氏 Matsuo-sama to musume toji (Matsuo-sama and a Girl Sake Brewer) 日本の風景というテーマを頂いた時に、以前見学した酒造の厳かな空気を思い出しました。最近は女性の杜氏の方も誕生しているようです。かつて酒蔵が女人禁制だったのは蔵の神様として広く祀られている松尾様という女神様が蔵に女性が入ることを嫌うという迷信のためでした。個人的な妄想として松尾様が娘杜氏の頑張りを微笑ましく見守っているという構図を描いてみたくなリました。 イメージとしての酒蔵ですのでリアルな情景というより日本酒という日本独持の誇らしい文化をイラストとして描かせていただいた次第です。 そしてこの文章を書きながら、また美味しい吟醸酒がのみたくなった小梅けいとでした。 When 丨 was given the theme of a ‘Japanese scene’, I remembered the solemn atmosphere I experienced when I went to see sake being brewed. Recently, we have seen the appearance of women brewers, but in the past, women were forbidden from even entering the building where the sake was brewed because it was believed that the goddess of sake brewing, Matsuo-sama, was jealous of other women being present. The image behind this picture is that Matsuo-sama finds the efforts of the young girl sake brewer heartwarming and she is watching over her benevolently. The image is of a sake brewery but rather than create a realistic scene, I thought I would draw an illustration that depicted the culture of this unique Japanese drink, of which we should be very proud. Writing this comment has made me want to drink some more delicious sake. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255503 3205.2 十五夜兎姫 Jugoya Usagi Hime (The Hare Princess and the Harvest Moon) 月をみて楽しむ風習というのは素敵ですね。月に浮かぶ模様を兎に見立てるのも可愛らしい。などと書きつつ、日本人らしくちゃんと用意をした月見は殆どした事がないのですが、この絵を描いてやってみたいなと思いました。¶作品では月見からイメージしたキャラクタ一を自分なリの形にまとめてみました。 I love the custom of setting aside a particular day to enjoy the beauty of the full moon. I also think it is cute that people should liken the markings on the moon to a hare. Having said this, I must admit that I have hardly ever attended a properly arranged moon-viewing in the Japanese way, but having drawn this picture, I feel I would like to. In this work, I have created a character inspired by moon-viewing and arranged it in my own style. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255502 3204.2 KeG KeG 都会の聖域 Tokai no seiiki (Urban Sanctuary) 今回、テ一マが「日本の一景」ということで「ビル街にひっそり佇む神社」というイメージで描いてみました。 昨年の絵にも共通するところがあるのですが、古き良き日本の風景と近代的なビル街というのは、どちらもが共存しているのが私にとっては「日本の風景」な気がします。 あと、イラストに花を持たせる意味で、スマホを操作する天狗少女も入れてみました。妖怪達も姿を消したわけではなく、なんだかんだ言いつつもしたたかに今の世の中を楽しんでいるのではないかと思ったリします。 The theme this year is ‘a Japanese scene’, so I decided to create an image of ‘a shrine, standing quietly in the shadow of tall buildings’. Combining the traditional scenery of the old Japan with modern office buildings, this coexistence of old and new was also apparent in the work I submitted last year and is something that I feel defines the ‘Japanese landscape’. In order to introduce a point of interest into the illustration, I have added a young girl Tengu using a smartphone. I believe that the old demons have not disappeared from the world, and despite their grumblings, they enjoy contemporary life. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255501 3203.2 KEI KEI お稚児さん Ochigo-san (A Child from a Festival Procession) 子供のころにお稚児さんをやったのを思い出したので描きました。 This is the image of my memories of having taken part in a festival procession as a small child. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255450 3202.2 黒谷忍 Shinobu Kuroya 華火 Hanabi (Fireworks) 田舎で見ていた頃とは見る場所も変わってしまったけれど、都会のビルの間から見る打ち上げ花火も心躍リます。花火を見たリお祭りに行くために浴衣を着る文化も華があって好きです。 Although they have a different image to the ones I used to watch when I lived in the countryside, the fireworks that can be seen through the gaps between the city buildings are also exciting. I like this culture that allows us to wear yukata kimono when we go to watch the fireworks or visit a festival. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255500 3201.2 呉マサヒロ cle masahiro 畳を泳ぐ Tdtdmi o oyogu (Swimmina OverTatami) 今回のテーマでとっさに思いついたのが畳、そしてセ一ラ一服でしたのでそのままの勢いで描きました! 畳は匂いや手触りなどやはリ落ち着きます…。 セ一ラ一服もきっと落ち着くのですが如何せん触れたことがないのでそこはイマジネーションでなんとか。 As soon as I heard the theme for this year’s exhibition, I immediately thought of tatami mats and sailor uniforms, then set about drawing this illustration without further ado. The smell and touch of tatami are very relaxing... I am sure that a sailor uniform also has a similar effect, although unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to touch one so I can only guess. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255499 3200.2 椋本夏夜 Kaya Kuramoto 五月雨幻想 Samidare genso (Early-summer Rain Fantasy) 何を描こうかとぐるぐる思い悩んでいたとき、ふと降リてきた「鹿と女子高生」。早速某鹿の国へとロケハンに出かけて参りました。というわけで背景なども奈良公園界隈をイメージしております(特定のどこかではないのですが)。出かけた日がばらばら小雨でこの絵も自然と雨模様に。奈良の鹿は神様のお使いということで、どこか別の世界へ誘われるような、ちよつとフアンタジックな雰囲気に仕上げてみました。 I was wondering what to draw when an idea suddenly popped into my mind—a deer and a high school girl. I immediately set out for a place that is famous for its deer. That is why the picture is set against a background in the vicinity of Nara park (although it is no location in particular). It was raining when I visited Nara so the picture is depicted in the rain. The deer in Nara are said to be messengers of the gods so I created a fantastic atmosphere that seems to invite the viewer into another world. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255498 3199.3 空中幼彩 KuuchuuYousai 朱点童子 Shuten doji (Vermillion Child) こんにちは、空中幼彩と申します。 節分って、私の中ではこんな行事?なのです。¶私の脳内に住まう鬼を絵にしてみたのです。¶一生懸命描いたのです。 見てくださいです。 Hello, my name is KuuchuuYousai. This is my personal image of the bean-throwing festival that is held February to drive demons out of the home. I depicted my impression of the demon that resides in my brain. I worked really hard on the illustration. Please look at it. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255497 3198.2 ぎん太 Ginta あまやどり Amayadori (Shelter from the Rain) 3度目の「絵師100人展」、参加することができて、とても幸せです。 今回は、町家の景色を描いてみました。残念ながら、私の育ったところにはこういう風景はなかったので、ずっと憧れています。 軒先での雨宿りは、友達と一緒なら素敵なおしゃベリの時間になるんだろうな。¶通リ雨に洗われた、清々しい夕方の空気を想いながら描きました。 I am very happy to have been able to participate in the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition three times. This time I have drawn a picture of a traditional town house. Sadly this kind of scenery did not exist where I was brought up, but I have always been attracted by it. Sheltering under the eaves like this offers the perfect opportunity for a chat, if you are there with a friend. I drew this thinking of the beautiful freshness of an evening washed clean by a passing shower. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255496 3197.2 鬼月あるちゆ Aruchu Kiduki ネオ日本 Neo nippon (Neo-Japan) 日本の風景を構成している部品で、自分の好きなものをたくさん詰め込みました。 高速道路のジャンクション、木造建築、高層建築、建築現場の鉄骨、工業地帯、古い温泉宿、琺瑯看板、赤提灯、剣術少女など等。 架空の風景ですが、どこか懐かしかったり幻想的な日本の空気を感じていただければ幸いです。 I squeezed in lots of the components that make up a Japanese landscape into this picture: an expressway junction, wooden buildings, skyscrapers, the steel girders of a construction site, an industrial district, an old hot-spring inn, enamel advertising signs, a red lantern and a girl sword-master. It is an imaginary scene, but I will be delighted if you are able to experience an atmosphere of nostalgia or a visionary image of Japan in it. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255449 3196.2 如月瑞 Mizu Kisaragi Fukuen (Lucky Feast) 去年に引き続き、参加させていただき有難う御座います。 今回のテ一マの「日本の一景」より、にぎやかで華やかな一景を描いてみたい、という所から七福の方々のお花見を描いてみました。 Thank you for inviting me to participate in this event for a second time. The theme this year is ‘a Japanese scene’; I wanted to create a lively, colorful image and so I decided to use the subject of the Seven Lucky Gods enjoying the cherry blossom. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255484 3176.4 文倉十 jyuu ayakura また、あした Mata ashita (See You Tomorrow) 日常の一景をテ一マに描かせて頂こうと思い、ふと浮かんだものが「学校からの帰り道」でした。 自分にとってのこういう日常はもう、少し遠いものになってしまいましたが…。¶未来に残っていくといいなあと思う日本の情景だと思います。 I thought I would use an everyday scene as my theme and the motif that sprang to mind was that of ‘the way home from school’. This everyday routine has become a distant memory to me now... I hope that this kind of Japanese scene will continue to exist in the future. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255484 3176.3 aokiume 海辺 Umibe (The Beach) 島国日本をぐるりと囲む海と、黒い髪を描きたいと思いこのような絵になリました。 彼女が笑顔を向けている相手からの「一景」という設定で描いてみましたので、彼女の想いまで想像してみていただけたら嬉しいです。 Being an island nation, Japan is surrounded by the sea; I wanted to draw a picture of a girl with black hair by the sea and this is how it turned out. I drew this ‘scene’ from the viewpoint of the person she is smiling at and I hope that you try to imagine what she is thinking.   赤リんご Akaringo ごみ捨て場の鴉たち Gomisuteba no karasutachi (Crows on the Trash Heap) 今回のテーマ「日本の一景」を描くにあたり、メインモチーフをゴミ捨て場の力ラスとタバコを吸うメイドさんのどちらにするかで最後まで迷いました。¶普段からパンやパスタを食べている私は、現代の日本人が着る和服は一部の例外を除きコスプレだと思っています。 自分の中で「和」と「日本」の間にはもはや決定的な隔絶があり、「日本の一景」という文脈を素直に表現するのであればその中心に位置するのは「和」ではなく、深夜のコンビニに上下スウエツ卜で赴いてヴィトンの財布を出すような、品格を語るのに決定的な何かが欠けている「無節操さ」そして「文化の飽和」ではないかと考えています。 そして、僕は日本のそういう所が大好きです。ビューティフルではなぐファニー。 When I came to draw an illustration on the theme for this exhibition, a ‘Japanese scene’, I could not make up my mind until the last minute whether to use a trash heap or a ‘maid’ smoking a cigarette as the main motif. As somebody who generally eats bread or pasta, I think that with a few exceptions, when contemporary Japanese people wear kimono they do so merely as a form of cosplay. For me, the concept of ‘Japanese’ or ‘Japan’ is completely irrelevant to my daily life, if I were to conform to the context of a ‘Japanese Scene’, the central motif would not be one of traditional Japan, rather it would focus on the ‘unscrupulousness’ and ‘cultural saturation’ that is crucially lacking in dignity, as personified by a person who visits a convenience store in the middle of night, wearing a sweat suit and carrying a Louis Vuitton purse. I love that kind of Japan. It’s not beautiful but it is funny.   あなぽん anapon 夜桜少女 Yozakura Shojo (Girl of the Night Cherry Blossom) はじめまして、あなぽんと申します。 日本の風景ということで、最近あまり見に行けていませんが、夜の桜を描いてみました。 How do you do? My name is anapon. As the theme is a Japanese scene, I drew cherry blossom at night, although I have not been to see any of these recently.   文倉十 jyuu ayakura また、あした Mata ashita (See You Tomorrow) 日常の一景をテ一マに描かせて頂こうと思い、ふと浮かんだものが「学校からの帰り道」でした。 自分にとってのこういう日常はもう、少し遠いものになってしまいましたが…。¶未来に残っていくといいなあと思う日本の情景だと思います。 I thought I would use an everyday scene as my theme and the motif that sprang to mind was that of ‘the way home from school’. This everyday routine has become a distant memory to me now... I hope that this kind of Japanese scene will continue to exist in the future. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255493 3191.3 介錯 KAISHAKU 桜電線異常なし Sakura densen ijonashi (All Quiet on the Cherry Blossom Power Lines) 春の訪れと共に街中で桜を見上げると見きれる、ごちゃごちゃと拡張され無造作に伸ばされる電柱や電線。これらは生活の利便性のために現代日本に無くてはならない。そんな自然と正反対の物が混在するのも、また日本の風景だと思う。 With the arrival of spring we look up at the cherry blossom but what catches our eyes in the cities is the tangled web of power lines that has been strung carelessly from the utility poles. These wires are essential to contemporary Japanese life and serve to make our lives more convenient. I think that this mixture of nature and its opposite create a form of Japanese scene. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255446 3192.3 片桐雛太 KATAGIRI Hinata —度目の冬 Nidome no fuyu (Second Winter) はじめまして、こんにちは。片桐雛太です。 「絵師100人展」も第3回目、今回も描かせていただいてとてもうれしいです。¶第3回目のテーマは「日本の一景」、日本らしさを感じられる行事ことのひとつとして、年初めの神様へのご挨拶「初詣」をイメージして描きました。¶最近では初詣でも着物を着ることはなくなりましたが、冬には椿、春には桜と季節にあった柄の着物を選んで着る話を聞くと、防寒のために服を着るのではない遊び心を感じて装いの中にも四季があることに感動しました。¶イラストの親子の着物にも、お揃いの椿の花をあしらってみました。 こうしてひっそりとお揃いを選ぶのは母心のような気がします。子供が小さなうちだけの楽しみでもあリますね。 いろんな親子が、家族が、四季の中で笑顔でいられる世の中であリ続けてほしいものです。 How do you do? Hello, my name’s KATAGIRI Hinata. This year is the third time that the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition has been held and I am delighted to have been invited to participate once more. The theme for this third event is ‘a Japanese scene’ and so I decided to use the typically Japanese custom of visiting the local shrine at the New Year the theme for my illustration. Recently people tend not to wear kimono even when they go to the shrine at the New Year, but when I heard that people used to wear a kimono with a camellia design in winter and a cherry blossom design in spring, I was most impressed; people wore clothes not just to keep the cold out, but also to express a sense of fun. The mother and child in this picture are both wearing kimono with camellia motifs in their designs. I felt that this way of having subtly matching clothes was an expression of the mother’s love. It is the kind of thing can only be enjoyed while a child is small. I hope that the world will remain a place where parents and children, where families, can continue to enjoy the four seasons. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255448 3195.2 カン卜ク KANTOKU 秋色遊戯 Akiiro yugi (Autumn Games) 穏やかな秋晴に誘われて外に出てみると、目に映るのは鮮やかな景色。それでいて、どことなく哀愁漂う可憐な1枚を目指しました。唐紅とのコントラス卜が日本の景色をよリ際立たせてくれる、秋が深まるにつれいつもそう思わされます。そして、色鮮やかな景色の中に落ち着いた少女。こういった双方の魅力にもまた日本らしさを感じます。 今回この絵を描くにあたり、印象的な絵を描きたいなと思い、ズームカットでピントに差を付けてみました。この手法だと、視野はとても狭くなるのですが、意識を被写体に向けさせ、周りの景色との差異を感じ取ってもらえるようになります。最近こういった手法での描き方がどんどん楽しくなつています。 Tempted outside by the clear blue autumnal skies, our eyes are filled with bright colors. However, I aimed to create an illustration imbued with a cuteness that will evoke feelings of nostalgia. The contrast of the crimson accentuates the Japanese aspect of the scenery, and this becomes more prominent as autumn progresses. I have added a relaxed, young woman to the colorful beauty of the scenery. The appeal created through the combination of these images is also typical of Japan. When drawing this illustration, I wanted to create something that would make a strong impression, so I used a shallow depth of field to put the background out of focus. This technique limits the field of view, but serves to focus attention on the main subject, differentiating between it and the background. Recently I have found I enjoy using this method more and more. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255495 3194.2 かんたか Kantaka 夏の到来 NdtSU no tdrdi (The Arrival of Summer) 年をとっても、夏の暑い日に車窓から眺めるコントラス卜の強い田んぼや神社の風景。 それらを思い起こすだけで、湧き上がる夏の風物詩みたいなものを詰め込んでみました。 後から後から詰め込みたい物が増えてきたのですが、際限なくなってしまうのでこの辺で。 今でも公園でラジオ体操ってやってるんでしようか? No matter how old I become, I never cease to appreciate the strong contrast in the scenes of rice fields and shrines that appear through the car windows on a hot summer’s day. I only have to think of them for the symbols of summer to rise up in my mind. I keep thinking of new things that I want to add, but I do not want to overdo it so I think I will stop here. I wonder if they still do radio calisthenics in the park in mornings? WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255447 3275.1 karory karorii 花美しこ女 Hana uruwashi otome (Beautiful Youna Flower Girl) 桜と女の子は最強のかわいさで、和風スタイルで何時か描いてみたかった組み合わせだと思います。 女の子のあどけなさ、美しくもすぐに散ってしまう桜の果敢なさを表現してみました。 かわいくも、切ない…「美しいものもいつか壊れる」も日本らしいと思います。 The combination of cherry blossom and a young girl creates the cutest subject and it is one that I always wanted to draw in a Japanese style someday. In this picture I tried to express the girl’s innocence and the ephemerality of the beautiful cherry blossom that soon falls. Cute but heartrending... ‘all beautiful things will break one day’, I think that this is a typical Japanese way of thinking. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255494 3193.2 片倉真ニ Shinji Katakura 京の街角2013 Kyo no machikado 2013 (Kyoto Street Corner 2013) 伝統的な、艷やかな着物をきちんと着こなして歩く女性は美しいものですが、それだけに声をかけづらく、近寄り難い雰囲気もあリます。 そんな彼女達でも現代を象徴するようなPADなんかをいじっていたりすると、ちよっとだけホッとして、距離も縮まった気がします。 『粋』という言葉は、身なリや振る舞いが洗練されているという意味らしいですが、伝統の衣装に身を包みながらも、伝統に縛られず最新技術を使いこなす、その立ち振る舞いもまた粋なんでしようね An elegant woman walking in a lustrous kimono looks very beautiful, but she also appears unapproachable and difficult to speak to. However, if a woman of that type were to use a tablet computer, something that symbolizes the present day, I would feel relieved and she would appear less distant. The word ‘stylish’ refers to somebody who is refined in both appearance and bearing, but I think that the behavior of somebody who wears traditional clothes, but has mastered the latest technology, can also be described as ‘stylish’. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255446 3192.2 片桐雛太 KATAGIRI Hinata —度目の冬 Nidome no fuyu (Second Winter) はじめまして、こんにちは。片桐雛太です。 「絵師100人展」も第3回目、今回も描かせていただいてとてもうれしいです。¶第3回目のテーマは「日本の一景」、日本らしさを感じられる行事ことのひとつとして、年初めの神様へのご挨拶「初詣」をイメージして描きました。¶最近では初詣でも着物を着ることはなくなりましたが、冬には椿、春には桜と季節にあった柄の着物を選んで着る話を聞くと、防寒のために服を着るのではない遊び心を感じて装いの中にも四季があることに感動しました。¶イラストの親子の着物にも、お揃いの椿の花をあしらってみました。 こうしてひっそりとお揃いを選ぶのは母心のような気がします。子供が小さなうちだけの楽しみでもあリますね。 いろんな親子が、家族が、四季の中で笑顔でいられる世の中であリ続けてほしいものです。 How do you do? Hello, my name’s KATAGIRI Hinata. This year is the third time that the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition has been held and I am delighted to have been invited to participate once more. The theme for this third event is ‘a Japanese scene’ and so I decided to use the typically Japanese custom of visiting the local shrine at the New Year the theme for my illustration. Recently people tend not to wear kimono even when they go to the shrine at the New Year, but when I heard that people used to wear a kimono with a camellia design in winter and a cherry blossom design in spring, I was most impressed; people wore clothes not just to keep the cold out, but also to express a sense of fun. The mother and child in this picture are both wearing kimono with camellia motifs in their designs. I felt that this way of having subtly matching clothes was an expression of the mother’s love. It is the kind of thing can only be enjoyed while a child is small. I hope that the world will remain a place where parents and children, where families, can continue to enjoy the four seasons. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255493 3191.2 介錯 KAISHAKU 桜電線異常なし Sakura densen ijonashi (All Quiet on the Cherry Blossom Power Lines) 春の訪れと共に街中で桜を見上げると見きれる、ごちゃごちゃと拡張され無造作に伸ばされる電柱や電線。これらは生活の利便性のために現代日本に無くてはならない。そんな自然と正反対の物が混在するのも、また日本の風景だと思う。 With the arrival of spring we look up at the cherry blossom but what catches our eyes in the cities is the tangled web of power lines that has been strung carelessly from the utility poles. These wires are essential to contemporary Japanese life and serve to make our lives more convenient. I think that this mixture of nature and its opposite create a form of Japanese scene. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255445 3190.2 CARNELIAN CARNEUAN ナンテン Nanten (Nandina) もうすぐ陽も落ちる時間、淡いグレーの雪景色のなか。妖怪たちもお楽しみ時間。 「タノシソウ〜ボクモハイリタイナア」 かまくらの外から風にのって声が聞こえてきた。 A pale grey, snow scene, shortly before the sun sets. This is the time of day that the monsters look forward to. That looks fun, can I join you?’ comes a voice on the wind from outside the igloo. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert